Thursday, May 23, 2013

Thoughts for Thursday...puppy, books, etc.



  • My sweet puppy got a haircut this week and the groomer always puts bows in her hair. She looks so cute, but they last about five minutes, before she finds a way to remove them. A shorter, summer haircut was really needed for the summer heat that has finally arrived. When I am outside, she loves it and will even sit in a chair for a few minutes until a squirrel or people walking on the path distract her and off she goes.
  • Megan sent me this wonderful photo last night after some storms rolled through our area. The light blue sky against the orange sunset is so lovely and peaceful. Heaven seems very close when you see something like this.
  • I just finished two books by the same author and I enjoyed them both. First, I read The Comfort of Lies by Randy Susan Meyers and because I liked it so much, I found her first book, The Murderer's Daughters. Both were very well written and told from the point of view of several characters. I enjoy this writing style, because you are given a more complex story and well rounded characters. Now, I am reading The Last Letter From Your Lover by JoJo Moyes, which has been recommended by several other bloggers. So far it has peaked my interest and seems to be building to an interesting mystery about the past of the main character, who has amnesia.
  • It is graduation season and even though I thought we would not be receiving too many grad party invitations, we have already received five. It is time to stock up on graduation cards and start writing those checks :-)

Happy Thursday!


Linking with Ramblings of a Suburban Mom, Thursday Thoughts



  1. My puppy needs a summer cut so bad! I love after storm pictures. They just seem so calming. We have 2 graduation partys this weekend.

  2. What a cutie..looks a lot like my Mollie who has a "puppy cut" all year around..

  3. Vicki... what an adorable puppy!!! Thanks for the book recommendations. Have heard a lot of buzz about Jo Jo Moyes book. Have a great weekend.

  4. Those bows are adorable. Too bad she won't leave them in! I can't get my cats to wear collars. They carry on like I'm torturing them and eventually get them off. sigh

  5. I know what you mean but for us, it's only only graduation this year...last year we had five! But, we've got something going every weekend until mid-July!...:)JP

  6. Beautiful shot of the sun through the storm clouds. I always write down your book suggestions, Vicki. You seem to read authors I have not heard of and I like trying new writers. Ann

  7. What an adorable pup you have there! We're sharing our empty nest with three doggies, two cats and two horses! seems we now have more animals than the kids that left! HA!! A beautiful picture of the sunset, I bet it was even more stunning in person!

    Thanks for the book reviews, you can never have enough good books to read!

  8. Wow, five graduation parties.....I guess you do things a bit differently in the U.S. Here in Canada, if someone graduates from university, it's usually just the immediate family that goes. There is usually a dinner for them afterwards. Don't think I've ever gone to a graduation party other than the ones for my own kids. Hmmmm. You Americans really know how to celebrate life's moments. Cool.

  9. Hi,
    I just came across your comment about my books and wanted to say thank you for the kind words. It truly meant so much.

  10. Love that freshly groomed doggy face . . . my gardening day have had to push back my blog comment days . . . catching up finally . . .


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