Thursday, May 9, 2013

Thoughts for Thursday...movies, shoes, etc.



  • This forsythia was a happy, bit of color in my kitchen this week and I am thrilled to be able to step outside and cut some of my own flowers. Next week the wild phlox will bloom in the woods and I can't wait to make some pretty, purple bouquets with that too.
  • I am looking forward to seeing The Great Gatsby. The costumes and sets look incredible and to see those characters come alive on the screen will be almost unbelievable to me. I have read that the director tried to stay true to the novel, as well as the time period, but at the same time, give it a modern feel. From the previews, Tobey Maguire seems the perfect choice to play Nick and Leonardo DiCaprio looks like an interesting Jay Gatsby.
  • We saw Ironman 3 this past weekend and I did like it, even though I have not seen the first two versions. It has a lot of fun action and I liked the mad scientist feel of the character played by Robert Downey Jr. He is so good at the intelligent, yet quirky character type.
  • There is fresh pink polish on my toes, just in time for sandal season. It is such a treat to sit in the massage chair, as I get a pedicure and just relax for a little while.
  • Speaking of sandals, I bought a cute pair today. I am not really a shoe person, because I tend to find a few pairs I like and wear them all season. But, sandals are different. DSW had so many cute pairs and honestly, I could have easily come home with a few more. Summer shoes are just fun :-)

Happy Thursday!


Linking with Ramblings of a Suburban Mom, Thursday Thoughts



  1. Hi Vicki! Can't wait to see Gatsby! I'm not a shoe person either so when I find a pair I like I buy them in all the colors they have. Drives the Mister crazy!

  2. I saw 42 this week and loved it! I'd like to see Gatsby and think Leo is convincing in whatever role he plays. Happy Mother's Day!

  3. My forsythia is in full bloom too! Sadly they don't last very long with our rain. I need a good pedicure before I get out the sandals! Can't wait to hear how you liked the movie!

  4. We cannot WAIT to watch Iron Man 3! And I'm kind of excited about the Gatsby movie, although I do love the original.

  5. Finally our Forsysthia is blooming . . . I am in the mood for a really great movie . . .

  6. Your forsytia is gorgeous!! Ours are finished here now already.

    We're off to see Great Gatsby tomorrow - bought our tickets already to make sure we get in. Can't wait - Leo and Baz Lehrman - it can't get better!!

    Still need my spring pedi - it always makes me feel more lady-like - does it have the same effect on you?

  7. Can't wait to see Great Gatsby! Good for you for getting a pedicure and your forsythia are so pretty. We are finally getting some warmer weather so my flowers will start to bloom.

    Have a nice weekend and Happy Mother's Day!



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