Thursday, May 30, 2013

Thoughts for Thursday...gardening, books, etc.



  • The planting in my yard and garden is finally finished, for the most part. Everything looks so pretty and fresh and now I can enjoy all my hard work, as things grow and bloom. I'm sure I will just have to purchase a plant here and there that I see at the nursery or farmer's market, but that is not work; that's the fun of gardening.
  • My daughters planned and prepared dinner last night and it was delicious. Melissa went to the store and bought the groceries and Megan cooked, so they were a great team. We had Lasagna Roll Ups filled with healthy spinach and delicious ricotta cheese, caesar salad and fruit. While dinner was being prepared, I finished reading my book ( The Outside Boy ) for my book club. There are many advantages to older daughters and this is definitely one of them :-)
  • I mentioned that I was reading The Last Letter from Your Lover by JoJo Moyes and that I liked it so far. It ended up being one of my favorite books that I have read so far this year. The twists and turns the story takes make it hard to put down and it is reminiscent of the old movie, An Affair to Remember. When the story moves to present day, you wonder what direction the plot is taking, but it soon becomes clear that the past and present will collide. I definitely recommend this book.
  • I am going to an art fair this weekend and look forward to it. It is so fun to visit all the booths and see the creativity of the artists and what treasure I might buy. The weather is supposed to be iffy, with the chance of thunderstorms or rain every day, but hopefully there is a nice window for us to enjoy walking around.
  • June has always been my favorite month (my birthday month) and I plan to enjoy the start of summer and spend my time outside. Our pool is open and there will be many days spent relaxing with my daughters; the promise of a whole summer spread out before us.

Happy Thursday!


Linking with Ramblings of a Suburban Mom, Thursday Thoughts



  1. That lasagna looks SO yummy:) I may just have to buy that book! Thanks for the review! HUGS!

  2. Yum! And good for them. Our youngest loves to cook. Will be putting that book on the list to recommend to our book club in the fall. Hope the weather holds out for the art show.

  3. Forgot to mention. My hubby grew up in MI, East Tawas. He was a Central Michigan Grad.

  4. I read that one - I was taken by the cover!!

  5. The lasagna looks great! Yes, gardening is so much fun! I need to get out and work on mine a bit before the rain comes. Last year we had severe to extreme drought; now there is flooding. Crazy weather!

  6. That lasagna looks amazing!!! I need to start making more meals like that! It looks so good. And we still haven't planted flowers yet. We need to get on that!

    Ramblings of a Suburban Mom

  7. Where is the art fair? Closeby? I will jot down the name of the book for a summer read. I just finished Calling Me Home by Julie Kibner ...rwally good read.

  8. I just checked online and my library has that particular book. I'll have to give it a read! Now, if only you'd share that lasagna roll up as well as a book title . . .

  9. Those lasagna roll ups look so good - you must share the recipe :) Love the thought of the whole summer spread out before us!

  10. I love your Thursday posts - they are such a nice glimpse into your life.

    Enjoy the art fair.

  11. I'm looking for a new book to read and this looks perfect! Your lasagna looks fantastic. Enjoy your weekend!


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
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