Thursday, May 2, 2013

Thoughts for, reality tv, etc.



  • This pretty hyacinth has bloomed this week and it has a story. In the fall, it was my turn to choose a book for my book club. The book I chose used gardening as a metaphor for life, and I gave my book club friends the gift of a hyacinth bulb to plant. I hope that all their flowers have bloomed too and are just as pretty as mine. You can read about the gift here.
  • My daughter Megan and I made tacos for dinner the other night and I used ground turkey for the first time. It was surprisingly good. I realize I am late to the ground turkey bandwagon, but since we don't eat ground beef often, I don't usually worry about using it in my old stand by recipes. But, the ground turkey is a healthier option that I would definitely use again.
  • The book I am currently reading is Mrs. Lincoln's Dressmaker by Jennifer Chiaverani. It has a lot of historical detail about what Washington was like during the Civil War. I usually like historical fiction, but it seems to be a hard read, at this point. Mrs. Lincoln is definitely not a sympathetic figure, as portrayed in this story. Since it is told from the point of view of a former slave, it is interesting in that regard. I am sure I will finish it, but so far, it is not my favorite.
  • The Real Housewives of Orange County has reached a tipping point for me. I am to the point where I can no longer enjoy or find the humor in Tamara's mean girl screeching. I will give it a few weeks, but I may be done with this one. Am I alone in this view?
  • Melissa comes home for the summer on Friday. I am picking up most of her clothes and such today and then my husband will move home the bigger items on Friday. Her sophomore year is done and I can't believe how fast it went! She is so much fun to have at home - I am looking forward to it :-)

Happy Thursday!


Linking with Ramblings of a Suburban Mom, Thursday Thoughts



  1. Vicki... What a wonderful idea about giving the hyacinth at book club. How did you like that book? Don't think I'll be picking up Lincoln's Dressmaker. I haven't watched this week's RHOC yet. Saving it for lunch time. Tamara is a bit much. I don't know how the BF puts up with her.

  2. Hi Vicki, I do watch some of the Real Housewives shows. It is surprising to me that adult ladies speak to each other that way. I know no one in real life that does. Its so removed from our daily lives that is probably why we watch it. So happy your daughter will be home soon, we pick up my son next week. Will be nice to have the house full again!
    xoxo Michelle

  3. I've almost given up on all "reality" tv. Just seems to be too much selfishness, backstabbing and whining.

    How fun that your daughter is coming home for the summer! It's nice to have that empty nest fill up again - at least for a little bit.

  4. It's very frustrating to get so far into a book and find you're not liking it. I don't want to "give up" on it (and waste money), yet my time is valuable and I usually have a long list of books to read.

    I know you are looking forward to days spent with your exciting!


  5. I heard that author on public radio--it sounded like a really interesting book, but now I'm not sure I have the snuff to dive into it!

  6. I need to watch this week's episode tonight, but I agree. Those ladies are getting out of hand!!!

  7. Those Housewife shows can definitely hit a tipping point. I find myself say, "Really? You're friends?" Enjoy your time with your daughter. I bet that's exiting!


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