Monday, May 27, 2013

Stars and Stripes on Memorial Day



In the midst of a weekend filled with plants, flowers and wood chips, we made sure and filled our yard with some signs of the Memorial Day holiday. We placed some touches of red, white and blue to celebrate this great country of ours and to honor those who gave their lives for our freedom.

From a small flag resting in a pretty flower pot full of petunias...

... to the American flag that we proudly fly from our house, we recognize the meaning of the holiday.


As we spend time with friends and family this weekend, golfing, at the pool and having a backyard barbecue, the flag helps us remember those who proudly serve our country.

Happy Memorial Day!



  1. Your weekend sounds idyllic. Have a nice holiday.

  2. Beautiful reminders....have a wonderful weekend!

  3. Very nice Vicki . . . Happy Day with family today . . .

  4. Nice post! Happy Memorial Day to you.

  5. Beautiful decorations and photos. Joining you in gratitude this Memorial Day and every day.

  6. Your pride is showing beautifully! Happy Memorial Day.

  7. Lovely patriotic touches :) Enjoy your day!

  8. Looks great!!! Hope you had a great day!

  9. How proud can we all be when we see our flag flying....Beautiful!
    Please stop by my place anytime!


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