Friday, May 17, 2013

Grey's Anatomy and a Glass of Wine


I knew that the Grey's Anatomy season finale would be good and I knew there would be some kind of heartbreak, because there always is. I was on the edge of my seat the whole show, wondering who would live and who would die. So, I sipped my wine, enjoyed the suspense and tried to process the shocking series of events unfolding on the screen.

On Grey's Anatomy, you always wait for the other shoe to drop. Even in the happiest moments, there is always that expectation that someone will suddenly die or decide to leave. The season 9 finale was no exception.

This is a television show that I am invested in. My friends and I used to get together on Sunday nights to watch Desperate Housewives and in its first season, Grey's followed right after. Soon, I looked forward to and enjoyed watching it more than Desperate Housewives. From Meredith and Derek's love story to George's death and all the medical drama in between, the great writing and characters always shine. It is one show I make a point to watch and always make sure to catch up with on line if I miss an episode.

And finally, here are my thoughts on the finale (spoilers coming). I loved when Derek and Christina looked at each other and said Meredith couldn't die because she is their person. I loved April telling Jackson her feelings. I loved that the baby's name is Bailey. And, all I can think about the final shot is - no, not the Chief. We will have to wait until fall to find out what happens. If you watched, let me know your thoughts :-)

Have a great weekend!


Linking with Mockingbird Hill Cottage, Favorite Thing



  1. I watched Idol . . . and will watch GA tonight or over the weekend. Cliff hangers are so hard to deal with . . .
    Enjoy the weekend . . .

  2. Oh, the Chief...what happened? I need to rewatch. It looked like he's in the electrical room where he found Frank???? Yes, I loved when Christine said 'she's our person'. What about Christina and Owen. Will this be there splitting point? And, Callie and Arizona? Arizona really got it all out. I was happy that Alex FINALLY let his feelings known also!

    So good, but now we WAIT! I'm really worried about the Chief, Bailey to the recue!

  3. I haven't watched Greys for a couple of years. I don't know why I stopped watching because I liked it. Maybe I'll try to catch up during the summer. Nothing better that a glass of wine and a great show! Have a great weekend, Vicki!

  4. What a loyal follower! I used to watch this show and thought this was the best ever. Then.. embarrassed expression clearly visible on my face.... I got sucked into the vortex of reality tv. Specifically, the Housewives series. And the more I watched, the more the language and subject matter became raunchy. Some housewives I bid ado to, leaving only a few that I can get through a whole hour of watching. So, bravo (gesh.. was that a pun??!) to you for staying with something of substance!!! I am sure I will be returning to more cerebral viewing soon!

  5. I have loved this show since the first epi, when it followed Desperate Housewives!! Last night was great. I can't believe the Chief might have succumbed. Last I saw, then my phone rang, he was helping the man unconscious on the floor?? Yikes! I missed the most critical part!!! :( xo

  6. I used to watch Grey's Anatomy and loved it. A couple seasons ago, I had a conflict and then it just kind of dropped off my radar. I have been thinking of getting the dvd's though - sounds like it might be worth it!

  7. I couldn't stand watching this show. I don't like too much excitement. ;-)

  8. Don't watch it. Tried in the first couple of seasons and couldnt' get invested in the characters. Dont' know why because I know it's a popular show and I usually love medical dramas.

    Glad it was what you thought it would be.

  9. Okay, Vicki... you got me going with this, my curiosity is at full throttle. I haven't watched this in years, but your review made me want to play catch up.

    Dropping by from Claudia's blog party!



  10. I never got hooked on Greys Anatomy...don't know why..must be something else on then...

  11. I'm addicted to this show! I'm sad that something may have happened (permanently) to the Chief, but I was really surprised at the turn of events with Arizona and Callie. I was so disappointed last season when Mark Sloan was killed off, but then his McHunky-ness got replaced for me in Chicago Fire with Taylor Kinney as Kelly Severide -- he is one seriously good looking guy!

  12. Let me try again (too many typos!) I have watched this show off and on but not consistently. I used to watch it because one of my former students wrote many of the episodes. I'll have to check in on it again!

    Thanks so much for joining in this week.


  13. I don't know why, but we never watched. I know it was widely loved - must have competed with something we enjoyed. It's fun when you really look forward to a show!

  14. I love Grey's!! It is one of my favorite shows also. Love they named the baby Bailey and all the rest was very exciting...the end...NO!!! Crossing fingers the cheif is ok and back next season. Long summer ahead!


  15. I loved Grey's the first few seasons and then somehow got away from it. Sounds like I should have stuck to it.


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