Monday, May 6, 2013

Blue Skies


This was a beautiful spring weekend with blue skies, warm temperatures and flowers and trees blooming. We are having a true spring, unlike last year, when the flowers and plants bloomed early and then were hurt by a hard frost. Everything is just so beautiful this year. The sight of this flowering pear tree against the sky is absolutely joyful.

All the different seasons of the woods behind my house have their own beauty, but the new leaves in bud are perhaps my favorite. They remind me of lace and bring a softness to the view.

The colors of the flowers - purple, pink and yellow, are vibrant and the payoff for our endurance of a long winter. They remind us that beauty is fleeting and to stop and appreciate each bloom before it fades.

We took advantage of the beautiful weather and had our first cookout of the season and were blessed to have both girls home. Steaks, baked potatoes, asparagus - simple, but delicious. Then, a spur of the moment decision to go see Ironman 3. Family time is always the best time :-)

Happy Monday!


Linking with A Southern Daydreamer, Mockingbird Hill Cottage - Favorite Thing



  1. Good Monday Morning. Such pretty views of the flowers and trees. A cookout with family sounds delightful. Hope you have a nice week.

  2. Isn't it nice to finally see the trees in bloom? We did steaks on the grill this weekend too!

  3. Looks like a pretty and fulfilling weekend with family.
    Farmhouse hugs,

  4. Sounds like a lovely weekend all around. My kiddo asked for asparagus too.

  5. We had wonderful spring weather this weekend too. I agree-family time is the best time!

  6. Great photos. Nothing better than having both girls home AND steak!!

  7. Isn't it amazing how everything has just burst into bloom this past week! It's a timely reward for putting in a tough winter.

  8. Glad you had your kids home and got to enjoy some alfresco dining. We had a break in our otherwise cool and overcast Seattle weather that enabled us to enjoy some outdoor activities too. It's always such a treat to watch to season change!

  9. Beautiful series of shots. Flower shots are always soothing.

  10. Lovely floral and fauna photography for ODW ~ ^_^

  11. A wonderful display of the some of nature's best beauty.

  12. Lovely springtime blossoms. Vicki. Your rhodies are well ahead of ours. Azaleas now over though so will be fertilizing them this coming week - than we'll be blessed with more beauty again this time next year. How lucky we are - each little effort pays off in the garden!

    Happy weekend - Mary

  13. Love all your pretty blooms - I'm missing my garden and am counting the days until I can get back home and tend to it.

    Thanks so much for joining in this week. Vicki, I'm reminding everyone to please leave a comment on my post when they link up. Thanks!


  14. We are on the same page...wonderful spring so far here, and the same situation last year...too warm too early, then the hard frost. Your pictures are just lovely! :)

  15. These warm spring days have breathed life into us all. How lucky you are to have such a beautiful woodland view!

    Big Hugs,
    Susan and Bentley

  16. I have had a bit of blues today but your blues have helped to chase the kind I had today away!
    Smiles. Dottie

  17. I long for blue skies. However, this year it just won't happen. :-(
    Nevertheless, I'm enjoying the colours of flowers and trees. Not to vibrant but still beautiful. Have a nice weekend. Regula


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