Monday, April 15, 2013

Sunday Favorites


Yesterday was a really nice day - a Sunday that started off with coffee and my favorite french toast and ended with a family birthday party. I picked up this new oversized coffee mug when I was out running errands on Saturday and enjoyed filling it to the brim and sitting with a good book as I started my day, calm and relaxing. Sometimes it is the little things, like a new coffee mug that can start your day with a smile.

Later in the afternoon my family got together at my sister's house for our post Christmas/spring birthday celebration. We had a nice lunch together and it was good to catch up with all my nieces and nephews. I put together these gifts for my sister and sister in law. Very often, I don't use gift bags, but include some fun items in a basket and tie it with a pretty grosgrain ribbon. This time I found a black iron napkin holder and filled it with a candle, pretty napkins and some flower seeds. Putting together pretty gifts, for people I love, makes me happy.

My sister usually asks me to bring a salad to these kind of family parties and this time I brought my favorite, simple, but delicious Caesar Salad. This recipe is easy, but you will get compliments galore. Here is my quick method for putting this salad together.


Simple Caesar Salad for a Crowd

Place two bags of romaine lettuce in a large salad bowl.

Slice two bunches of green onions and scatter over lettuce.

Sprinkle one cup shredded parmesan cheese over lettuce and green onion mixture. Toss well.

Add approximately 1/2 bottle good quality caesar dressing a little at a time. Toss well, as you add dressing.

Sprinkle a little more shredded parmesan on the top of salad and serve.

This salad is also really good with the addition of grilled chicken breast.


The Masters was very exciting and I loved that there was another first time winner and how he respectfully acknowledged Greg Norman. The rain at the tournament was a little disappointing - I look forward to seeing the course with the pretty sunshine and flowers. Happy Monday!


{Linking with these friends}

Gooseberry Patch

Savvy Southern Style

Rattlebridge Farm

Back For Seconds

Mom's Test Kitchen

Semi Homemade Mom

Barns and Noodles

Mockingbird Hill Cottage, Favorite Things




  1. That's my kind of salad! Sounds easy and tasty! Hope you have a good week.

  2. YUM Caesar Salad is my favorite:) Sweet gifts and fun times... nothing better! Have a blessed week dear friend, HUGS!

  3. What a nice treat--and you and I wrap the same way--simple with a little garnish:)

  4. I love your ideas for the gift to make and receive!


  5. I must have a BIG coffee mug or whine about a little one. The salad is lovely. It did rain here bunches yesterday but Saturday was lovely-we went to an outside wedding. xo, olive

  6. I need a pretty oversized coffee cup like that! Very pretty! Chicken Caesar salad sprinkled with garlic croutons is my favorite!

  7. That salad looks positively delish! Looks like you had a great day!

  8. What a fun day. You've inspired me to try the salad recipe.

  9. Great gift idea . . . salad looks yummy. I make a similar salad and add fresh asparagus. I loved watching the Masters . . . Beautuful Agusta . . . Wish the rain had stayed away so the flowers would have been more vivid. I was very happy with the Australian winner . . .

  10. What a lovely day! I spent Sunday with my my daughter, DIL, sister and her two girls for our annual spring dim sum luncheon in Toronto's (huge) Chinatown. It's a tradition that we all look forward to.

  11. For a minute there the cesar salad looked like it had ASPARAGUS in it, (which I LOVE), and turns out the photo you have there is just a lettuce/spinach leaf curled under, but this gave me a wicked cool idea, thanks!!

  12. I get excited about a new coffee mug too!

    Big Hugs,
    Susan and Bentley

  13. Well this is all very nice and since I am reading it on a Saturday morning with time for a nice breakfast I DO believe that you have influenced me...I think it shall be French Toast! :)

  14. Hi Vicki,

    So nice to have found you on Claudia's today! Your beautiful oversize mug reminded me of one I had bought for my mother's new apartment back in Toronto. The rich red colour and subtle engraving is very cozy; perfect for a full flavoured cup of early morning coffee!

    Poppy :)

  15. I am glad that I am not the only one who finds pleasure in a new coffee mug! Wasn't The Masters exciting? I didn't watch every televised moment, but was glad that I watched the playoff rounds. Thrilling!
    Blessings from Still Woods Farmhouse

  16. I was just thinking the other day that I'd love a new coffee mug! I also love a good caesar salad!

    Thanks so much for joining in this week!


  17. Pinned to my SD board. Thanks for joining Saturday Dishes. ~ Paula


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