Wednesday, April 24, 2013

My New Rug


This rug has a story. And in the end, things fell into place with the kind of serendipity I like. For me, bigger purchases like this are never spur of the moment. I look around at stores and on line, make lists of possibilities, think about what I like and then think about it some more. Finding the style and pattern is usually easy. The problem is narrowing it down. Sometimes the size is wrong. Sometimes the quality is bad. And sometimes the price is just too high.

I loved many different rugs from Pottery Barn, but I really wanted a 4x6 rug and that size is not available there. I found some possibilities at Ballard Designs but they weren't exactly what I wanted and for the price I wasn't willing to settle. Home Goods only had bigger sizes - I love Home Goods, but you have to get lucky.

Then I tried I made a list of of few possibilities that were perfect and decided to think about it for a couple days. Imagine how happy I was to receive an email that one of the rugs I liked was on sale and would be eligible for free shipping. After ordering and receiving it within a few days, I am thrilled with the price I paid and the quality of the rug. The colors look great and it is plush underfoot. I love when things work out like it was meant to be :-)

Happy Wednesday!



  1. It is beautiful I love the pattern. Congrats:) B

  2. Vicki, I have three overstock rugs in my home and just love them all. Oh my goodness you rug is stunning. I adore the muted hues and the print!!! It looks very well made... I hope it brings you years and years of enjoyment! xo

  3. Very pretty! The patterns and colors are great. And to get free shipping? Wow thats a deal!

  4. Good Afternoon Vicki, It was meant to be, the rug was just sat waiting for you. Isn't it lovely when you find the perfect item and then find it is reduced in price and with free postage and packing....just fabulous.
    Best wishes

  5. Love the rug... can't beat a pretty rug, a good price AND free shipping:) Have a blessed week dear friend, HUGS!

  6. Very pretty, and I love the splashes of color.

  7. Makes for a great day when everything falls into place. Very, very nice . . .

  8. I love the splashes of colour against the subtle background; yup, it was definitely meant to be!

  9. It's lovely, Vicki. The pops of red/brick against the subtle background gives you so many decorating possibilities!

  10. “I love when things work out like it was meant to be.” – I'm glad that the search for the right rug is over! It's really pretty and looks perfect on your door step. I have the same feeling when I found the rug for my living room, and I can't help to adore it until now. I regularly clean it because my mom says it helps to maintain the appearance of the rug. I hope you do the same; your rug will definitely benefit from it. ;-)

    ---Jackelyn Lippard---


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