Friday, April 19, 2013

Earth Day = Flowers


Earth Day is Monday and there is a reason it is celebrated in April, where the beauty of nature is all around. Flowers are ready to bloom and plants long dormant during the winter months are now delicate buds, so close to reminding us of the renewal of spring. These pretty pink flowers help bring some color into my home this morning - an Earth Day celebration as we wait for the abundant April showers to help fill our yard with flowers.

In Michigan, April is early in the season for blooms. But the forsythia, tulips and even some hostas are showing us their green buds and getting ready to come to life again.

Earth Day is about appreciating the abundance of the earth and taking care of and being thankful for the beauty of nature that surrounds us. For me, gardening is my way of experiencing this miracle each spring and summer. The bulbs I plant in the fall, become beautiful tulips in the spring and the perennials never fail to bloom, year after year. I garden because I want beauty in my life. And, my flower garden is a little piece of the earth that is mine to take care of and nurture.

Happy Earth Day!



  1. Happy Earth Day to you dear friend! HUGS!

  2. Happy Earth Day! I am so glad I planted lots of tulips last fall. They sure are pretty come spring!

  3. Very nice post Vicki . . . Happy Earth Day tomorrow . . .

  4. We are finally seeing the start of is a short, but sweet season. I love seeing color after the gray brown of winter. Have a nice weekend!

  5. Beautiful post! To celebrate Earth Day this year we're planting the Japanese maple I've nursed along in a pot this last year, along with some beautiful Columbines.

  6. Thanks for reminding me it's Earth Day! Have a great day!

  7. It's wonderful to see all the little flowers poking through the ground. happy Earth Day!

  8. Happy Earth Day! Your flowers are so pretty. We are still waiting for spring here in the pacific northwest. I'm looking forward to getting outside to garden!

  9. Beautiful color! Our hostas are peeking thru too :) Supposed to have some warm weather here this week ~ that always renews me! Have a great week.


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