Friday, April 5, 2013

Dog Heaven


When I was recently asked to recommend a favorite children's book, this wonderful book immediately came to mind. And, like the best children's books it can be appreciated by adults too. The Newberry Medal winner, Dog Heaven, written and illustrated by Cynthia Rylant, has been a staple in our home to comfort my children (and me) when we have lost a pet. It paints a wonderful picture of what heaven is like for dogs, with whimsical drawings of cat and squirrel shaped biscuits, fields to run in and puffy clouds to sleep on. Where every angel who passes by, has a biscuit to share. It also promises our pets will be there to greet us again someday.

I have shared this book with many friends, when their pets have died and is always my gift to them to help their family with this kind of sudden loss. Losing a pet is hard, but it is especially hard for children to understand - this book gives back some of their joy.

We have owned three dogs in the thirty years we have been married - top left, our Golden Retriever, JoJo, top right, our Cocker Spaniel, Casey and bottom, our current dog, a Cockapoo, Cooper. All wonderful additions to our family.

Have a great weekend!


Linking with Kelly's Korner, Show us Your Life and Mockingbird Hill Cottage, Favorite Things



  1. What a wonderful gift for someone who has lost a beloved pet! Thanks for the great idea. Have a wonderful weekend, Vicki!

  2. That is such a great idea! I need to jot that down for later. What beautiful dogs you had! Your currnet one looks like my little Shaggy!

  3. Ive alway heard, "if its one thing a pet teaches a child, its how to cope with death. This is a great gift idea. Have a wonderful weekend!!!

  4. I haven't read this one before. We haven't had to deal with the death of a pet since my girls were very young.

  5. OMG thank you soooo much for this suggestion! Last year we lost our Basset Hound Ron that lived at my mom's and we lost our cat last year as well and our Kelcee always asks if their is a dog and cat heaven in which we assure her their is and we are gonna get the movie all dogs go to heaven and now I have this book on the list to by asap! Thanks so much for the suggestion. Your family is presh and I am so sorry for your loss. A loss of a pet is like a loss of a family member.

  6. This is a FANTASTIC book! I received it as a gift from a friend when our beloved Raya lost her a battle with cancer.
    Now it is in my classroom and my students read it all the time. When they read the message she wrote me inside they always tell me how sorry they are and talk to me about their experiences. (4th graders are precious!)

    I have since given it to several friends when their pup goes to dog heaven. Best gift when someone is grieving the loss of a dog!
    Thanks for sharing!

  7. Thanks so much for the info about the book. Your pets' photos are so sweet. It is so difficult to lose a beloved pet.

    Have a good weekend.

  8. Thank you for this Vicki.I am sending your post on to a friend whose cat Bo died today.

    I haven't read the book, but will do so. In my work life I spent time with grieving children. I will add this to my collection of books dealing with grief and loss.

    Your Cooper looks like our Snickers . . .

  9. I'm going to order one of these right now for my grandchildren. I've never heard of this book and it sounds perfect.

  10. Haven't seen that book before. Thanks for sharing.

  11. Vicki, this is such a wonderful idea for anyone who has lost a pet. I know our family would have loved and turned to this book the many times we have lost our numerous,, much loved, pets over the years. Ann

  12. Thank you for a wonderful suggestion. There is a little boy that I need to buy a gift for and this one may be perfect for him!

    Big Hugs,
    Susan and Bentley

  13. I have a feeling I could use that book, having just lost Riley last August. I find books like this enormously comforting.

    Thanks so much for joining in this week!


  14. I will remember this one:) Have a blessed Sunday dear friend, HUGS!

  15. I cant believe that I have never read this book!!!! Losing pets is so hard.. it sucks.
    You doggies pics are all so cute. Jojo looks like our sharky. Golden's are so sweet! We just had ours to the vet this week and we got in trouble.... because he is 12 pounds over weight. : )


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