Friday, April 26, 2013

A Soft Place to Land


The thing about an empty nest when you have college age children, is that it doesn't always stay empty for long. They tend to come and go as semesters end and job opportunities and circumstances change. But, I think that is what providing a home is all about. It is a safe place for your your children to land from time to time. They need to know they can always come home - that there is a room open and a place for them to just be themselves.

As parents, the role changes too. We listen more and realize we are that sounding board they need when they come home. They don't want advise unless they ask for it and while sometimes that is hard, it gives them the space they need to think and make their own choices in life. They just need to know that you are there, in their corner, ready with help if needed.

So, the boxes and bins move in and out. The noise level goes up and down. And, you appreciate the fact that you have time with them. Time to just be a family and do all those little things together again. You take each moment as a gift and are thankful they know they have a safe place to go and a family that loves them.

Have a great weekend!



  1. So very true. My girls have come in and out over the past few years. I suspect they're out for good now, but they're certainly welcome back if circumstances change. Now, we just enjoy the times that we are able to get together.

  2. Aww... that brought a tear to my eye! My kids have flown the coop for good. They all have their own homes. But I still enjoy every minute of their visits back home!

  3. Oh I used to look forward to semester ends and my girls would return. They are on their own now but still need to come home for the same reasons I need them to. Life is good. Enjoy. B

  4. This is what we have found too Vickie. We move CC out of her apartment at school next week. She is still working on that Korean trip. She did get a summer job which is an answered prayer. Jobs are hard to get here. Happy Weekend, Olive

  5. So true. And thanks for shairing. I needed this today after the day I had yesterday. you will see on my latest blog post. Have a wonderful weekend!

  6. Perfectly said Vicki. During the college years my kids would home and away, a constantly revolving door. I can remember my son returning after his freshman year and just plopping on the couch with a huge contented sigh. That's when I knew he saw our home as a welcome refuge and always would. Even though we have moved, the kids still like to come up for a weekend and "escape". Ann

  7. Isn't that the truth . . . well said Vicki . . .

  8. So very well said, Vicki. My kids are both in their 30's now. But I remember the rotating door while they were in school. We even had the gift of having my son and his very pregnant wife stay with us for a few months as our grandson came into the world (my son was waiting to attend police college). Right now my stepson (early 20s) and his g/f are upstairs sleeping - a weekend visit from the big city. Little time together, but precious times.

  9. So true. Our oldest is going off to college this year. Feels rather strange. We raise them to get to this point but then wonder how all the years went by so fast. I don't feel (much) older. :) Best wishes to you, Tammy

  10. My father-in-law used to tell us all the time that the "golden years" are the years when your children are with you, and the years that they are still "coming home" occasionally. I still miss those days, but now we've got grandchildren to visit us, so the cycle continues. Enjoy the time with your girls!

  11. What a sweet post. I have two boys (actually two men now) that have been on their own for a few years -- but they know they are always welcome home if the situation dictates. It's just the way it should be right? xo

  12. So true:) I am not looking forward to my Granddaughter being away at College in 2014 but we will also make a soft place for her to land when she gets breaks! I am just enjoying every minute I can with her now:) Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!

  13. You have such a positive view of life, your children are very fortunate to have their home to come to when they need it.

    The transition from child to adult isn't easy, but having a loving family there to help is important.

    I think I moved back home a few times, and thank goodness they were there for me.



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