Friday, March 15, 2013

Vegetables for St. Patrick's Day


Cabbage, carrots and potatoes - the classic ingredients for corned beef and cabbage. But, what if you and your family don't really like corned beef? We find it too fatty and really only enjoy the vegetables that go with it. My solution for the past few years, has been to cook, easily in the crock pot, a vegetarian version of this delicious, Irish dish. By the end of the cooking time, all the vegetables are tender and flavorful. I really like eating meatless meals every now and then and this is definitely a healthier idea for Sunday's holiday.

Irish Vegetables


Place the following into a large crock pot.

8 carrots, peeled and cut

12 small white potatoes, cut in half

1 head cabbage, quartered

2 cups vegetable stock

Salt and Pepper to taste

Cook 6 hours on low, until everything is tender.


Have a great St. Patrick's Day weekend! Wear your green on Sunday, so you don't get a pinch :-)


{Linking with these friends}

Gooseberry Patch

Savvy Southern Style

Rattlebridge Farm

This Gal Cooks

Back For Seconds

Mom's Test Kitchen

Semi Homemade Mom

Simple Living and Eating

Barns and Noodles



  1. Looks delish! Altho I am 100 % Irish, I have never been a fan of corned beef. This recipe is right up my alley. Will give it to the Mr. so he can make if for me!

  2. Yum! I love corned beef, sounds so delicious:) Have a blessed weekend dear friend, HUGS!

  3. I love corned beef and the vegetables. I'm not doing potatoes because we've taken them out of our diet for the most part. I'll indulge on Easter because I need scalloped potatoes with ham, but I can resist them on St. Patrick's Day. Enjoy your weekend!

  4. Im not a big fan of cornbeef either until I made a cornbeef brisket with horsradish dipping sauce. Now we do it every year. Here is the post I did about it last year. Happy St. Patricks Day to you!

  5. I love corn beef and all of the veggies that go with it! This sounds good any time of the year!

  6. This looks so good, I'm going to try it.

  7. Oh this sounds delicious. Thank you for sharing. B

  8. What a great alternative. I am going to try this. :)
    Have a great weekend!


  9. I must admit we will have the corned beef -- my Irishman gets it only this time of year! :)

  10. My hubby used to make a thing called 'Obly Gobbly Soup' for his crew in the fire station. It was corned beef, a load of veggies, tomato soup all cooked together. Delicious. If you are also into brussels sprouts there is a great recipe on Julies Lifestyle blog that I came across the other day (I LOVE brussels sprouts - or the devil's grapes as my teenager calls them!). Have a great St Patrick's Day with plenty of Guinness!. Enjoy. Chel x

  11. I'm not a big corned beef person myself so your dish looks really wonderful to me. Thanks for sharing it on foodie friday.

  12. I love cabbage just plain cooked with onions so I know I would like this Vickie. xo, Olive

  13. A good home cooked veggie dinner sounds good. Don't know what I will be having just yet.
    Thanks for stopping by and reading along - hope I don't get to boring for you.:) Will be back to check out more of your posts when have more time. Hope you are enjoying your weekend.

  14. Good Morning Vicki
    and Greetings from Ireland

    I just wanted to pop by and wish you
    a very Happy St. Patrick's Day.

    May you always have
    Walls for the winds,
    A roof for the rain,
    Tea beside the fire,
    Laughter to cheer you,
    Those you love near you,
    And all your heart might desire!


  15. This looks so good! We have a guest coming over that doesn't eat meat this is perfect. So many treats around blog land today. It's nice to see some veges!


  16. I have used my slow cooker for years... and have never thought of making veggies in it! Brilliant~!~ Thanks for liking up to ON THE MENU MONDAY with your delish veggie dish!

  17. I'm not Irish by birth, just by marriage, lol, and I know I will be trying this for my family next year! Coming over to visit from Wonderful Food Wednesday. Please stop by and link this up with my "Try a New Recipe Tuesday." I'd love to have you join us. :-)


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