Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Time for Breakfast


When Melissa was home getting ready for her spring break trip to Florida, we managed to fit in some time for breakfast, at our favorite spot.

There is something about going for breakfast with my daughters, that starts the day out in a perfect way. We take the time to talk and catch up, as we drink our coffee together. Mornings in my empty nest are mostly quiet, so going out for breakfast with my daughters is special and something we have always done together. They are busy, but always make time for each other and I love seeing that sisterly bond.

Our favorite breakfast place has great omlettes, but this time, I decided to try a new menu item - whole wheat waffles with dried cherries and almonds. Much healthier, but very delicious all the same. And, they have the best coffee and just keep filling your cup - a sign of a great breakfast spot :-)

Beautiful flowers, yummy food and pretty girls. So glad we took the time for breakfast and more importantly, for each other.

Happy Wednesday!


Linking with Mockingbird Hill Cottage, Favorite Thing



  1. Sweet times to remember with your girls! I know you were smiling the entire time:) Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!

  2. Sounds absolutely perfect to me! Life is grand!

  3. Always nice to have that time! (Also one of my favorite places...I know exactly where you were!) ;)

  4. Oh moments like these are always my favourite times with my two girls also. Hug B

  5. Beautuul! Happy you enjoy times like this with your daughters! My times with my daughter are some of my best!

  6. Delightful times shared. I enjoyed your photos so much.

  7. Aww Vicki
    That's so special and one of the nicest things a mother and daughter can do!
    You both look so happy.x
    I have to travel to France to see my daughter and it's over 12,000 miles from where I live in New Zealand. I usually stay for 6-8 weeks though to make it worthwhile! Three darling little granddaughters there too!
    Sending you some warm Summer sunbeams from my corner of the world!
    Shane ♥

  8. I just had breakfast with a friend this morning and did the same thing last Saturday with another friend. It is nice to have a leisurely morning catching up over coffee. Unfortunately, there's no free refills around here. :/ Wishing you a wonderful weekend. Tammy

  9. Love going out for breakfast!

  10. Awww... sweet. My nest is still full -- but take me out for breakfast any day!! :) Visiting from Claudia's. :)

  11. You are so lucky to have a daughter to love and enjoy! Stay close to her. the mother/daughter bond is such a close one.

    Big Hugs,
    Susan and Bentley

  12. Your daughters are beautiful, Vicki! And how wonderful it is that you clearly have a great relationship with them. That breakfast looks awfully yummy!

    Thanks so much for joining in this week!


  13. This was sweet - and those waffles look DELISH!! ~TALU

  14. So happy to get together with kids when they come home and then not so bad when they leave... TALU

  15. my fave moments are growing up and having family dinners. looks like your family will have those memories, too! TALU ;)

  16. Glad you were able to sneak in some quality time before Spring Break (I actually typed Christmas for some reason?!?!). The waffles sound/look great, but as for the coffee, I must protest - Dunkin Donuts has the BEST coffee!!! ;) [#TALU]

  17. I love finding a great breakfast place. The waffles sound delicous. TALU

  18. Breakfast with your lovely daughters sounds wonderful, Vicki. I love a day out with my girl, catching up. (We usually have ice cream!)

  19. Hiya im popping over from Kellys Korner.Im Jess at Splashes and Dashes of Yellow,my boys are 20,16 and 9,your girls are beautiful and I loved to hear that you still have a good bond with them even though they have grown x


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
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