Friday, March 8, 2013

Three Photographs on Friday



First, Happy Birthday, to my beautiful daughter Megan. You are beautiful, inside and out, smart, strong and independent. Have a wonderful 23rd birthday, on Sunday. The day you were born, it was 70 degrees (here in Michigan) on March 10th - if only that were happening this year! We love you and wish you the best year ever.

Second, Melissa sent me this photo from Florida and I thought it was so cute. It is so fun to get dressed up for dinner, while on vacation. Especially, after a long day in the sun. 19 and on spring break - those are wonderful memories that help get you through the final exams to come.

Lastly, as I was going through old photos, I came across this memory from one of our lake vacations, when my girls and their cousins were little. This day, they all dressed like pirates and took a small rowboat to the island in the middle of the lake, for a treasure hunt. Their imagination was vivid and the older cousins helped the younger. They were so lucky to have those times together and create wonderful memories; brought back with the sight of a photograph.


Have a great weekend!


Linking with Kelly's Korner



  1. Loved seeing your birthday girl, your spring break kid and the pirates, cousins and all . . . delightful.
    Memories are God's Gifts . . .

  2. Love the pirate memory of my all time favorites of the cousins. Oh my much Melissa looks like you in that picture. HAPPY B-DAy to Megan...she is a lovely girl, inside and out!

  3. Isn't tripping down memory lane fun? Isn't not doing as much laundry even more fun? But we miss them.... bahahahah

  4. Happy Birthday to your beautiful girl. Yes...they grow up so quickly.

  5. Happy Birthday to your lovely daughter. You have a lovely family. B

  6. Happy birthday to your daughter! I too am an empty nester---and so I was attracted to the name of your blog! Lovely!

  7. Thanks so much for visiting Buttercup's. Hope you will stop by often. Happy birthday to Megan from your newest follower.

  8. Hi Vicki - thanks for stopping by. Love these pics of you with your family - grow up fast don't they? I now have all grown up granddaughters too.....................enjoy your time with the girls as often as possible. Hope the birthday celebration was fun.


  9. Happy Birthday to you gorgeous daughter. Time tends to fly, doesn't it?

    Love, love the picture of the pirates! Oh, what memories.

  10. Nice memories and happy birthday to your lovely daughter. :)

  11. Happy Birthday to your lovely daughter! I hope her day was special...her cake looks delish : )


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
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