Thursday, March 7, 2013

Thoughts for Thursday...spring flowers, diabetes, etc.


Things I am thinking about today...


  • I can't pass up the flower section at the grocery store. I may not always buy something, but it at least smells and looks like spring there. These pretty daisies are on my table now and are a cheerful sight in the morning.
  • And speaking of flowers, why am I not familiar with snowdrops? I have been seeing these pretty flowers all over the internet lately and I think they are so simple and so perfect. Flowers that bloom in the snow - just what is needed here. I did a little research and it looks like they will bloom in Michigan; just a little later in the winter. These bulbs will be finding a spot in my yard this fall :-)
  • The Bachelor finale is this coming Monday and I usually attend a viewing party. Instead, I will be enjoying a wine pairing dinner with my husband and some friends. Good choice, right? I know the spoilers, so I am just as happy to watch it the next day.
  • My 40 Bags in 40 Days Lenten challenge is picking up steam. I finished off the pantry, emptied a trunk in the guest room and sorted some holiday decorations. My total is now 8 bags to donate and 6 bags of trash, for a total of 14. It feels great to let go of so many things we don't need. To read more about this go here.
  • It was time to see my doctor this week and while I always worry the 3 month test results will be disappointing, they were actually better than ever. My diabetes is in control and it is a great validation of how hard I work at this. The combination of my diet, exercise and medication are working just fine.

Happy Thursday!


Linking with this new link party :-)


Ramblings of a Suburban Mom, Thursday Thoughts



  1. Beautiful flowers, I have never seen those snowdrop flowers! I don't watch The Bachelor, so many in my family watch and can't wait for the finale:) Have a blessed day my friend, HUGS!

  2. Who do you think will win?? I didn't watch the Behind the Scenes one last week, but I am very excited for the finale! Thanks for linking up!

    Ramblings of a Suburban Mom

  3. congrats on great results,we can relate,husband is type 2,we go back for labs next week,praying for good results also....keep up the good job!

  4. Your hard work sounds like its paying off. Keep up the good work and lifestyle changes!

  5. Well, I never started the 40 bags in 40 days on time...actually hadn't heard of it yet by Ash Wednesday. However, I think I will just start a "one bag on my day off" deal. I guess I'd better get to it!

  6. Congrats on the great numbers, my number needs improvement at the moment so working hard on that.....The Bachelor, not my cup of tea and I am a reality tv junky! Just lost interest after the London Calling season with Matt. And I also need to get some snowdrops planted in the fall. They are the sweetest flower I have seen. xo

  7. Everything in England cost more, except fresh flowers. It seemed like they were a bargain and the supermarkets had gorgeous selections. I almost always had fresh flowers in my house and I love them still. Much pricier here, but I buy them when I need them : ) I also love snowdrops...they are a sign that spring is coming and we've not been forgotten.

  8. I love that 40 bags in 40 days idea! We just moved, and I swear I'm already drowning in clutter! And what beautiful flowers... lately I've been loving SnapDragons.

    Dropping by from the RoaSM linkup!

  9. Yay for the results Vicki! I have never seen those flowers, just beautiful! Ann

  10. Great news about your visit to the doctor . . . good work from you! Love Snow Drops, so pretty. I may have to consider including them in my gardens too . . . I think they would do well in our woods . . .

    Enjoy your wine and dinner with friends on Bachelor night . . .

  11. I'm so glad I'm not the only one who watches The Bachelor! It's one of my guilty pleasures :)


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