Thursday, March 21, 2013

Thoughts for Thursday...books, march madness, etc.



Things I am thinking about today...


  • It is almost prom season, and as part of my 40 bags in 40 days lenten challenge, I had to get over my sentimental attachment to all the formal dresses my girls have worn. Because they attended a private, all girls high school, they were fortunate enough to attend many formal dances at the surrounding boys schools, as well as their own. We have dresses from proms, Christmas dances, homecomings and even sorority formals from more recent years. Two girls means a lot of dances. I kept a couple, but ended up donating 14 wonderful formal dresses, both long and short, to hopefully help out some deserving girls this spring. My total towards my goal is now 24 bags and today will find me going through bins in the basement. I can't wait to see what else I can get rid of :-)
  • March Madness begins today and both MSU and Michigan will be playing locally, in first round. There is a lot of excitement and we would love to attend, but ticket prices are pretty outrageous. It looks like we will be cheering on our Spartans (with Megan cheering for her Wolverines) at home.
  • Dancing with the Stars looks pretty good with the start of the new season. My early favorites are Kelly Pickler to win and Dorothy Hamill, as a sentimental favorite. Seeing the older photos of Dorothy with the haircut that EVERYONE had, brought back a lot of memories. Of course, Lisa Vanderpump looked fabulous.
  • I have been in a reading mood this week and have finished a couple of relatively quick reads. First, I read A Week in Winter by Maeve Binchy. It is sad this will be her last book, due to her sudden death this past year. She had a wonderful way with characterization and weaving different plots together. The Nicolas Sparks book, Safe Haven, had been getting pretty good reviews, so I decided to download it and give it a try. The love story was in the typical Nicholas Sparks' style, but the back story was well written and suspenseful and I loved the ending.

Happy Thursday!


Linking with Ramblings of a Suburban Mom, Thursday Thoughts



  1. It must have been hard to part with those dresses that brought back so many memories, but so nice that someone else can enjoy them now. I hope the bug catches me, for I need to clean out this spring. I think if warm weather ever arrives, it will also help to inspire me to take bags of things I no longer need out of this house!

  2. A Week in Winter is coming in the mail. I read another book with the same title by Marcia Willet. I was reading it when I heard about Maeve's death and her last book. I have so enjoyed her books all these years. Sad to lose a favorite author.
    Your "40 bags" project is coming alone nicely. It is hard to part with sentimental clothing like prom dresses. I donated mine many years ago to a resale shop in a local Church at that time, and got a chance to see the girl who bought one of mine. Her face lit up like a Christmas tree.No one knew where she got the dress...she was so happy.
    Have a nice day...Balisha

  3. I still want Dorothy's hair! LOVE it. And GO STATE!!!!!

    Thanks for linking up!

    Ramblings of a Suburban Mom

  4. Very sweet of you to donate those dresses, you are making some young girls very happy! I really used to like DWTS and then sort of fell out of it...I have to catch it again.

    My daughter bought Safe Haven and I snatched it from her so I look forward to reading it after I am finished with the one I'm currently on. It sounds good.


  5. My girls both went to an all girls private school and I know exactly what you mean about the dresses. They took a few of them to college for sorority stuff. Don't know whether they ever wore them tho. I just put you on my blogroll because I don't want to miss one of your posts!

  6. Good for you dear friend! I have a huge stack to donate and need to get it bagged up! Have a blessed evening, HUGS!

  7. How nice to think of someone enjoying all those beautiful clothes!

    I'm reading One Thousand White Women...its fascinating. It's a true story, taken from the journal of a woman who was part of a deal President Grant made with the Cheyennes. He exchanged wives for horses (in a nutshell)...I wasn't sure it would be my kind of book, but I'm loving it and think it would make a good movie too.

    1.'s a work of fiction, but there are bits of truth in it as well. Great story nonetheless!

  8. I love weeding out. I need to check out the 40 bags in 40 days challenge. We're enjoying March Madness as's going to be a busy weekend of basketball :) Happy Spring!


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