Thursday, March 28, 2013

Thoughts for Thursday...40 bags in 40 Days, etc.

  • I found these cute cupcake liners at Michaels and couldn't wait to use them to make some muffins for Easter. My bananas were at that perfect over ripe stage for banana muffins, so I made some this morning. Maybe they will last until Easter weekend and maybe they won't :-)
  • Empty closets, organized and almost empty storage shelves and empty space in bins. That is the result of lots of diligent work over the last month. My 40 Bags in 40 Days lenten challenge will be complete later today, when I fill my final two bags of trash from the two small file cabinets in my basement. It is an amazing feeling to know the hidden clutter is gone and everything is in its place. My last task will be another run to the Salvation Army to make my final donation. Total bags donated 22 and total bags of trash 18!
  • No Dancing with the Stars for me this week, since the finale of The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills was on at the same time (crazy women, right?!) Still, when I heard that Dorothy Hamill dropped out, due to injury, I was disappointed. I loved seeing her again and would have enjoyed watching her dance.
  • Tomorrow, on Good Friday, we will be attending a fish fry at the Polish Yacht Club in Detroit. Believe me when I say, there are no boats there. That is the tongue in cheek name it is given, as it sits in the midst of an inner city neighborhood. It is a Good Friday tradition and a group of us will eat a lunch of yummy perch, before we venture to Good Friday services at a historic downtown church.
  • Later this morning, I am off to East Lansing to pick up Melissa. I can't wait to hug that girl and have her home for the weekend.

Happy Thursday!


Linking with Ramblings of a Suburban Mom, Thursday Thoughts



  1. Hooray for the Polish Yacht Club -- haven't been there in a long time!! Enjoy!

  2. Wish I had the time and energy to do some decluttering! Maybe before summer....

    So glad your girls will be around for the holiday! Enjoy every minute with them!

    Have a great Easter!

  3. Hope you have a lovely Easter with all the family:)

  4. Hi! I am new here thanks to Thursday Thoughts!

    Love me some banana bread muffins. Super cute liners. I think I might have to make some this weekend as well.

    I am a fellow Michigander! I live just south of Lansing!

    Hope you can stop by at A Day in My Life sometime soon. I am now following you.

  5. Your liners are darling. Michael's has the cutest holiday decor! Your banana muffins sound so good and are the perfect accompaniment to an Easter breakfast (or any breakfast!) Enjoy your Friday service and time with family.


  6. Your faithfulness is to be recognized. Much accomplished, some discarded, some to be enjoyed by others. Well done! Happy next days . . .

  7. 40 bags in 40 days is wonderful!! I have been doing almost the same thing as I have moved...

  8. Those liners are so cute!!

    And that dinner sounds amazing! Enjoy!

    Thanks for linking up!

    Ramblings of a Suburban Mom

  9. Wow, I need to give myself that challenge. 40 bags in 40 day. It would sure help my basement.
    Have a wonderful Easter with your girls!

  10. I love Fish frys!!!

    Stopping by from the link up.

  11. Vicki... 40 bags in 40 days!!! What an inspiration. I'm working on a housewives post now... not flowing tho. Maybe Monday will be more inspiration. Enjoy your Easter with your family.

  12. I love that 40 bags in 40 days..... I always have a bag with stuff in it to be donated that I add to all the time. Then the bag gets dumped into a larger trash bag until thats full--- then it gets put in the truck until that gets full of bags to be donated. THEN I go through the bags and pull out the stuff I decided I want to keep lol... then my husband takes everything to a thrift store :-)

  13. I bought some cute liners too. My youngest daughter loves to bake so she'll be in charge of cupcakes for Easter dessert. I like cupcakes because I'm not tempted to eat too many. We can each have one and I'll send the leftovers to work with hubs on Monday : )

    Congrats on your big cleanout! That's awesome. And enjoy having your daughter home...I'm headed to the airport in a bit, and then to the train tonite to get my oldest. Have a happy Easter!


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