Monday, March 18, 2013

Notes About Our Weekend and Google Reader


We had a fairly quiet weekend and that is always nice. St Patrick's Day passed pretty uneventfully this year, with no green beer or parades. We watched a lot of basketball, but our green and white school colors did not bring much luck to MSU in the Big 10 Tournament.

Friday night was Bunco night for me. Since I needed to bring a meatless appetizer, I made my yummy baked ravioli. The recipe can be found here, but I used ricotta and spinach ravioli this time. There are so many great flavors of fresh ravioli at the grocery store - the possibilities are endless. I won the pretty dish towel on the right by rolling a bunco. You wouldn't believe how we fight for these towels, stealing them from each other, as we roll more buncos throughout the night. All in good fun of course :-)

Cooper and I took a few long walks. There is fresh snow, but I spotted buds on some trees and the light and the air are starting to look and feel like spring. Cooper doesn't care one way or the other; she is just happy to walk and explore.

A note on Google Reader

I switched my reader of choice to bloglovin' and it was so easy. Really just 2 steps. Sign up and then press the import blogs I follow button. I do love the format and how easy it is to click over to the main blog page, if you choose. Since I was never a fan of Google Reader, this is an improvement to me. I have added the bloglovin' button to my sidebar, if you would like to add my blog manually, when you are ready to make a switch. And, as always, you can follow my blog by email or twitter. Also, there seems to be some confusion about Google Friend Connect. It is staying and you will still have those blogs you follow via GFC on your blogger dashboard, which I use a lot. Here is a very good blog post about the situation.

Happy Monday!



  1. Vicki...I learned this weekend at a blogging event that the only others on Bloglovin can follow you and vice versa. So for instance if you followed me and I didn't convert to Bloglovin, myunderstanding is you would not receive my posts. I am trying out Feedly. Just an FYI. If you hear anything to the contrary, I would ove to kow. Thx.

    Sorry about the Spartans!

    1. I don't think that is the case. All the blogs I followed (including yours) have imported to the bloglovin feed. Bloglovin is only one option - we just want anyone who used google reader to keep following is some fashion.

  2. Thanks for posting about GFC! LOTS of confusion about this topic! Have a blessed week dear friend, HUGS!

  3. First -- love the mums, the dish towel and your puppy. :)

    I'm on bloglovin' now too -- not sure how all this will pan out. Will just have to wait and see I guess.

    Have a great week Vidki. xo

  4. Thanks for sharing this info about Google Reader and Bloglovin'. I usually live in a state of confusion about all this, anyway, but I think I understand this! We've already got Spring around here and verging on Summer with temps into the upper 80's -- yikes, a preview of things to come!

  5. My daughter switched to bloglovin too. Do your readers have to do anything differently if they follow you in google reader?

    1. Since google reader is going away they have to choose a new method to follow your blog - bloglovin is only one choice - they can use GFC, email or just bookmark it. The only thing we bloggers can do is hope our blog doesn't get lost in the shuffle :-)

  6. All this switchin around has me boggled yet! I would love to learn bunco, seems to be popular around here. Buds on the trees? Now thats a good sign!

  7. I do NOT like Reader at all and think it's a pain...don't use it and try to avoid it so this tip you gave us may work for me!...:)JP

  8. Oh fun. I too was playing Bunco on Friday nite, subbing for a girlfriends group. I have my regular Bunco group tomorrow night. Cute towel, we usually stick to money.

  9. I think your green and white flowers are so pretty. I am using bloglovin too.


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