Friday, March 29, 2013

Not a Golf Widow


One of my favorite things, is to play golf with my husband. We have a long history of playing golf together, and in fact, I got him started playing the game in college. It is a great way to spend some one on one time together, without cell phones and computers. And you really have to focus on each other. We always compliment each other's shots and commiserate about the tough putts. It also requires patience and a sense of humor - a good test for a couple.

It is a wonderful activity for a couples trip and golf courses have some of the most beautiful scenery. We have been on golfing trips to Maui, Scottsdale, Palm Springs, northern Michigan and Florida. We have golfed together as a young couple and even made time to golf when we had young children. It is an activity that will take us into retirement. When you are empty nesters, you have more time as a couple and is important to focus on activities you enjoy together.

If your husband spends a lot of time golfing, learn to play yourself and don't be a "golf widow" any longer. Anyone can go to the driving range and is an inexpensive, fun way to learn and do something your husband enjoys.

Now that the snow has melted, and the grass will begin to turn green again, our thoughts turn to another golf season and spending time together in the beautiful outdoors.

Have a happy Easter weekend!


Linking with Kelly's Korner and Mockingbird Hill Cottage



  1. The Mister used to be the Exec chef at PGA before he met me. He was a great golfer. He hasn't played much since but it is on our bucket list to start playing now that the kids are out of the house. Have a great Easter!

  2. Good for you!
    Years ago I joined a women's golf league so I could learn to play so that D and I could play together. It's a fun date when we can play 9 homes together!

  3. That is great you play golf with your hubby! Just wanted to stop by and say hello and wish you a blessed Easter. Sandie

  4. I think it's just wonderful that you and your husband share a passion for golf. As much as I love the outdoors, I never took a liking to the game, which is odd as my son is a golf pro. And I have a feeling I am going to be more of a fishing widow!


  5. Hello! I´m from Seville (Spain).
    I have been reading this entry and I like very much that you can play golf and share your life doing things together!

  6. This post made me smile as it reminded me of my parents. They are in their mid-80's and still golf together three times each week. I truly believe that golf has kept them healthy and happy. Oddly enough, I am not a golfer! Not sure how I escaped that since I grew up with it.

  7. My husband plays golf, but it's on the Wii! lol Tiger Woods Golf. He has spent hours at it and still right here in the living room.
    Have a happy Easter weekend.

  8. Very nice post . . . I wonder how many will read and see the significance of finding the "key" of "just you and me.". Enjoy greening it!

  9. Way to go girl! Have a blessed Easter Weekend dear friend, HUGS!

  10. It sounds like the perfect activity for you both to enjoy together. I, unfortunately, am not patient enough for golf. My dad was a pro golfer for a while and he tried to teach me and my husband. We all got frustrated!

    Thanks so much for joining in this week!


  11. How nice! Great hobby! Happy Easter!

  12. There are amazing golf courses all around the world. We even have one here in desert country that many of our teachers make use of on the weekends. I've only ever played putt-putt. Not quite the same. HA! Best wishes, Tammy

  13. Good for you! My hubby would love for me to play golf with him. Perhaps now I will! Wishing you and your hubby a Blessed Easter.

    Big Hugs,
    Susan and Bentley

  14. What fun to share this sport. Wishes for a very happy Easter!

  15. Vicki, thanks for all of the well wishes.

    Happy Easter to you.


  16. My husband plays a lot, I used to. We belonged to a club (in another city we lived in) and I was on a 2 ladies' leagues and a mixed with my husband. But, I have a hard time with the game now due to physical problems. Every spring I try and get a couple games in. I'll try again this year...maybe...hopefully. :)


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