Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Easter Plans and a Skinny Recipe


My Easter plans could not be more simple this year. Church in the morning and then lunch reservations at a convenient, central location with my parents and brother's family. No grocery shopping, no cooking, no setting the table, just so and no stress. I think the early Easter date this year, coming on the heels of hosting my families for Thanksgiving and Christmas, called for a change in tradition. We will enjoy our time together, but there will be no need to wash any dishes :-)

The best part of the weekend is that both my daughters will be home and we can spend some family time together. They will also have some sister bonding time and I love seeing them just relaxing on the couch, watching a movie and know they are enjoying their time at home. We may even dye some Easter eggs - it's still fun to do, whatever your age.

Finally, I have a great skinny recipe for a potato gratin that would work really well for Easter dinner, if you are looking to lighten things up. I have made this a few times and love the flavor. The combination of the cheesy potatoes, with the addition of the thyme, is delicious and has a delightful aroma while cooking. All of the ingredients are low/no fat, and while not as creamy as a traditional scalloped potato gratin, the favors are all still there. It is a great lightened up dish, that will take you into spring and summer. The recipe for Skinny Scalloped Potato Gratin can be found here (

Happy Wednesday!



  1. Sounds like a wonderful weekend ahead, Vicki.Everything is alright in the world when the girls are home. This is the first year my youngest won't be home. She'll be home in 10 days tho. Have a great weekend!

  2. I feel the same way having my girls home. Happy Easter!

  3. Sounds great!! We are doing something similar and I'm looking forward to it!!

  4. What a nice day you've got planned! Bet you enjoy the no-frills Easter this year!

  5. Potatoes are definitely comfort food!! Have a wonderful Resurrection Sunday with your family. Sounds good not to overcomplicate it. :-)

  6. Sounds perfect . . . Enjoy those beautiful daughters. Happy Easter Days . . .

  7. It sounds as though your Easter is going to be perfect. Have a lovely rest. Chel x

  8. Thanks for the recipe, my mom always made scalloped potatoes with ham and I miss that. My daughters and I still color Easter eggs together!


  9. I am certainly going to check this recipe out! My sister and her husband just recently lost 25 pounds. I was going to leave the potatoes out of the menu this Easter for them. But maybe not!!

  10. Sometimes going out and letting someone else do the dishes works!

    Sounds like a good recipe.

    - The Tablescaper

  11. that is great plans! enjoy every moment of your Easter Day!

  12. Have a lovely, relaxing weekend enjoying your family!

  13. Love the sound of those plans! We have a ton in common! (Even the blog name!) I LOVE our family time when my girls get to break away and come home! Due to their work schedules they came home last weekend, so we celebrated then. That is the hardest part of them becoming adults!
    Enjoy your holiday weekend. I'm your newest fan. Stop by and visit me sometime if you can!


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