Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Dreaming of Spring



Tomorrow is the first day of spring and that has me daydreaming about and planning for my 2013 flower garden. My garden board on Pinterest is a great way to focus my ideas, find some inspiration and pin the things I want to add this season, to make my garden what I dream of. First, more daisies are part of my plan. They are my favorite and I love to cut them and put them in vases everywhere. They are really pretty mixed with wildflowers, from the woods.


This cutting garden is my dream garden. I would love to go out in the mornings and have endless fresh flowers to cut and arrange everyday.


I planted some additional coneflowers last year and they lasted the whole season, with great color. The bright pink is such a vibrant splash of color too.


A climbing flower is on my wish list, and this pretty purple clematis would do well on a trellis, already in place. There is plenty of morning sun to help these pretty flowers grow.


For fall color, I will be looking ahead and planting some sedum. My goal is color throughout the gardening season.


One of my friends had a pretty container filled with different types of lettuce, last year and that is something I want to try. The bunnies may end up having a feast, but this type of container could be high enough to stop them.


Finally, my spring dreams include an old wooden ladder, filled with birdhouses or plants in pots. It is such a sweet way to add some interest and height to the garden.

As the snow and sleet swirl outside, it is hard to believe spring will arrive anytime soon, but I will keep planning my perfect garden and look forward to a summer filled with flowers.

Have a great day!


Linking with Mockingbird Hill Cottage, Favorite Thing



  1. Good Morning Vicki . ..
    I am having troubles leaving a comment for you.
    We had a container with Bibb and other Lettuce, garden last year. Fresh salads daily! (Bunnies liked it too . . .)

  2. My Spring dreams are similar:) Lots of flowers to enjoy outside and lots of flowers to bring inside! Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!

  3. I just looked at the 10 dat forecast for Baltimore and it is going to be cool and cloudy - I need sunshine!!!! Those garden ideas are great. I happen to have an old ladder laying under our deck... I will have to use it this year. I used to be a seasons girl.. I loved the changes that living in The north east brought..... not any more!! Move me some place that blooms all year!
    happy Tuesday!

  4. My thoughts exactly, I am dreaming, pinning and planning for spring! As a write this comment the sun is streaming through the window at work. Beautiful...but cold! Spring tomorrow!! Happy planning (and pinning). Take care. Chel x

  5. I can't wait until I see flowers like that in my own backyard! Hoping...


  6. Loving the ladder idea! Thank you!

  7. You have some great ideas for your garden. I love the ladder with the bird houses!

  8. Thank goodness for pinterest! It sure has kept my spring ideas alive! I really like that bright coneflower. I will have to look for that color.

  9. I have already been digging in the dirt and working up a storm in my flower garden. I have a tray of succulents to plant today but I am pooped from cleaning. I could not get coneflowers to live here for some reason. I am glad you can grow them. They are wonderful plants. I do well with hydrangeas and have even started growing babies from my big ones. happy spring, Olive

  10. Vicki, I am depressed about more snow last night. Your post with hope and beautiful spring helped improve my spirits.

  11. If I could see the grass that is now buried with snow...again, I would dream too! Some day, it will be here...:)JP

  12. Oh ! Your photos are so pretty and have me so happy.
    Smiles, Dottie

  13. These are wonderful ideas! I love them all.

    Big Hugs,
    Susan and Bentley

  14. I'm dreaming too! Don't you just love the organizing aspect of pinterest? I especially love those daisies and coneflowers and they do really well here.

  15. I don't use pinterest, so my mind is filled with many very similar ideas. I am lucky to have loads of flowers, unlucky to have the hungry bunnies!

    I grow many (too many) clematis vines. That is my addiction.

    Just today I planted seeds for the vegetable garden and placed them under plant lights: eggplant, sweet peppers and tomatoes.

  16. Beautiful garden pictures. it is still much too cold for any of that where I am...but I can dream.

  17. I'm dreaming of spring, too, and my garden. Right now, I'm looking at snow on the ground with more to come on Monday! This seems like the winter that will never end!

    I know that soon, not soon enough, it will be time to watch things bloom again.

    Thanks so much for joining in this week!


  18. I had an antique ladder going up the back of my garage that I hung old birdhouses on.It was something for people walking down our grassy alley to look at. I loved it.

  19. Such lovely gardens! I am longing for some pink cone flowers for my front yard, thank you so much for the reminder. We planted a clematis and I guess we chose the wrong place, not enough sun - we only get a few flowers.

    Wishing you the garden of your dreams!

  20. Me too :) Saw your post on A Favorite Thing! I would love to have you share this on The Creative HomeAcre Hop today!

  21. Such lovely ideas, Vicki! A cutting garden has always been my main plan for the garden. I have ideas as well and have already started a list of the plants I hope to buy. In fact, I think I enjoy "planning" as much as I do the actual gardening!


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