Tuesday, March 12, 2013

A Wine Dinner



Last night we attended a wine tasting dinner with some good friends, at a dinner club where we are members. The meal was beautiful, the wine was delicious and the company of friends was even better. Of course, I started out the evening with my favorite - a Cosmo :-)

It was an educational evening also, with the vineyard manager of the winery, from Italy, there to tell us about the wine making process, in his delightful Italian accent. We learned about the importance of the soil and how no chemicals are used, because of their detrimental effect on the taste of the wine.


The menu was course after course of beautiful and interesting food. My favorite was the first course, of scallops in a wonderfully spicy sauce, that was complimented by the crisp Chardonnay.

The dessert was a heavenly concoction of chocolate and peanut butter and served with vanilla ice cream. The perfect ending to a wonderful dinner. I enjoy these types of tasting dinners, because the portions are small, allowing you to enjoy the different courses and the wine that is served with each. We had a great experience - well worth missing The Bachelor finale :-)


Have a great day!


Linking with Mockingbird Hill Cottage, Favorite Things



  1. Looks and sounds wonderful . . .

  2. That looks luscious!

  3. That all looks so delicious! The dessert sounds and looks fantastic. I tried crushed cashews with chocolate ice cream once and that was lushTake care. Chel x

  4. I love wine tasting parties!!!! Your post inspired me to gather a group and throw one myself....Thanks :)

  5. What a great evening, with a great menu! YUM! I would love to hear from a wine expert, and sample some different kinds. This looked fun!!

  6. Looks and sounds delicious! I love parties.

  7. Hi Vicki,

    We belong to a local winery and have attended these dinners in past. They are always lots of fun. The menu sounds delicious and that dessert is amazing. Glad you had a nice evening.


  8. That menu sounds delicious. The dessert....yum!

  9. Sounds like my kind of evening. I've been to a wine tasting before and thoroughly enjoyed it. I love having tiny bits of delicious food with wonderful wines. Have a great weekend. Tammy

  10. Great wines accompanied by fine foods - what more does one need when it's time to have fun with friends and winemakers!!! Sounds like a great evening. I don't eat meat but those scallops would have been mine! Not familiar with this Italian winery but I know the wines must have been outstanding. Guernsey cows give such creamy milk - just know the ice cream was yummy too!

    Happy weekend - Mary

  11. Sounds like a wonderful evening to me!

    Thanks so much for joining in this week.


  12. Sounds like a wonderful evening, Vicki! (My mouth is watering after reading about it!) Thank you for sharing those delectable photos.


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