Thursday, February 7, 2013

Thoughts for Thursday...snow, reality tv, lent, etc.


Things I am thinking about today...


  • This snow shovel represents our life in the Midwest when we have snow falling almost daily. We haven't had a really big snowfall since Christmas, but it is the 2 inches that keeps coming and needs to be shoveled, that gets to you the most. You feel like the winter days are on a repeat cycle that won't end. The benefit is that you get some extra exercise most days.
  • Lent begins next week, and I need to think about what I will give up. Sometimes, I decide not to actually give up something, but to do more of something - or do something better. I will need to think about it over the next few days, before Ash Wednesday. It is an opportunity to reflect on sacrifice and what is important.
  • Not important, but fun nonetheless, is The Bachelor. We were given 2 episodes in 2 nights this week, with a lot of drama. You have to laugh at Tierra and how Sean can't see the red flags everywhere. A girl who can't get along with other girls, is usually trouble. Also, my friends and I had a discussion about spoilers for the final girl. It's funny how some people want to know how it ends and some are horrified at the thought of finding out. I like to find out the spoilers - I enjoy watching when I know. But, I have been known to read the last chapter of a book first too :-)
  • I will be going to a funeral later this week for the parent of a friend. My friends and I are at the stage of life where our parents are aging and we have all the worries associated with that. I will be giving my parents a call today and be thankful that they are doing well.

Enjoy your Thursday - more snow in the forecast for us!



  1. Yes, the snow seems to keep coming in cycles, but ours is melting for the most part. You have me thinking of what to give up for Lent! Easter sure is early this year.


  2. I'm with you on having to know the Bachelor spoilers!

  3. I'm not watching The Bachelor this season. I gave up : ) We have a crazy forecast which none of the weathermen can agree upon. We've heard starting after midnight tonite or starting tomorrow afternoon into Saturday. We've heard 5 inches, 14 inches, and 24 inches. I choose A if i get to choose! We still have snow on the ground from a week ago so its definitely still winter here too. A friend in NC mentioned her daffodils were up and some were open. I can't even see grass.

    Have a nice weekend!

  4. Lent is really early. Next Tuesday, Paczki Day. We have always made ours..Polish tradition. First time ever we will purchase from the bakery. Always the signal that Lent is ahead. I think I will do random acts of kindness. So bad at giving things up.

    Not really into the Bachelor. I do wonder about that guy a few seasons back with that really nasty check he picked. The gal everyone despised. So manipulative. Do you remember? Wonder if they are together?

    Enjoying your blog Vicki. Snow on the other side of the state here...lots and lots!

  5. Just realized how I haven't seen the concrete of our driveway in almost 2 weeks now... and I have to shovel more today!


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