Thursday, February 28, 2013

Thoughts for Thursday...snow, reality tv, etc.


Things I am thinking about today...


We had a pretty big snowstorm this week, with really heavy, wet snow that coated the trees and bushes. It was very pretty, but as you can see, it was so heavy, the poor things were completely bent over. There are some trees down in our neighborhood, but hopefully these in my yard, will recover. Slowly but surely, they seem to be standing back up, as the snow falls off. Also, can I just say, shoveling the heavy, wet snow is hard on my back? Spring please!

The fabulousness of Lisa Vanderpump will grace Dancing With the Stars this season. The new season starts March 18th and she should be fun to watch. And, since Dancing With the Stars is beginning soon, that must mean The Bachelor finale is right around the corner. I am ready for there to be a conclusion to this story. This season has been a little tedious for me. Like I have said before - Sean is just not that interesting. Maybe he is, in real life, but on TV, he is too reserved and tends to say the same phrases over and over.

My 40 Bags in 40 Days challenge is now at 8 bags and the project I worked on this week made me happy. My pantry got organized, things thrown out that were old and expired and pretty shelf liner put in place. I added a new spice rack to keep things neat and the spices easy to find. Since it is an area I use often , I will appreciate my efforts each time I open the door.

Happy Thursday! I am off to East Lansing later today, to pick up Melissa for her spring break. She will be heading to Florida - lucky thing, and over the next couple days, we will be getting her ready for her trip :-)



  1. I had missed your 40 bags in 40 days post, so I went back and read it. What a great idea. Even though I'm late to do it as a Lenten project, I think I'm going to get started now.

  2. Your snow is so pretty. It never ceases to amaze me how something so beautiful can be so destructive. I am looking forward to Dancing With the Stars as well. I think there are several new pros this season .... I'll really miss Maks. I love the idea of your 40 bags in 40 days. A very productive way to get organized and ready for spring. I hope Melissa has a wonderful spring break!

  3. Aren't pictures of snow the best ... and I love yours. Sounds like your having a good day and the 40 day challenge is motivating you to do some really neat things. Organizing always makes me feel good (once it's done) ... great job! xo geneva

  4. Drive Safely! I was "pumped" to hear about Lisa being on DWTS! She is incredible and I've been guilty of watching her new show "Vanderpump Rules". I even made my husband drive by her restaurant one night when we were in that area - I would never fit in with that crowd! Ann

  5. Oh my, that snow is pretty as long as you don't have to get out! I can't wait for DWTS, LOVE that show:) I don't watch the Bachelor but many of my family members do! Enjoy your evening dear friend, HUGS!

  6. It's beautiful, but I am sure it's hard to shovel!! I have been enjoying The Bachelor. Of course, at 45 with two small children (9 and 11) by 8 p.m. I am happy to have ANYTHING entertaining. I love watching Tiara make a mess of herself. Looking forward to DWTS. Away fun!! Your 40 bags is so motivating....need to do this!!!

  7. Wow you have had lots of snow Vicki
    but it does look so pretty.

    Have a great week and I hope that March will be a good month for you.

    Fiona ♥

  8. I am a few days behind visiting my blog friends . . . looks like you received the snowcstorm too. We are melting a bit now though.

    I think Lisa wil be a fun addition to DWTS.

    I agree with you, Sean sees a bit too "inside the box" to me. And, I don't like his reference to , all these ladies, girls!". I think he is indesicive and if I was one of the "girls" I would be concerned. STILL . . . I watch it and can't wait to see what happens!

    Happy March days . . .


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