Thursday, January 24, 2013

Thoughts for Thursday...pinterest, books, etc.


Things I am thinking about today...

I love trying new recipes and projects on Pinterest and one of my favorite places to show them off is at Saw It, Pinned It, Did It, every Thursday at Keep Calm and Carry On and Beautiful Mess. It is fun to see the pins, the success stories and even some failures. Yesterday, I tried this pin for Yogurt Covered Frozen Blueberries. Since there were no instructions on the pin, I figured it out as I went. I would call this a success in the taste (yummy), but a failure in the process. It is too time consuming to dip enough blueberries to make it worthwhile to me. Also, it was not easy to cover each blueberry with the yogurt, unless you used a really thick coat. I would call this a partial success :-)

I am looking forward to my book club tonight. We are reading Lottery by Patricia Wood and it is reminiscent of Forest Gump - where a sweet, cognitively impaired man makes his way in the world, after the death of the grandmother who cared for him and his amazing win of 12 million dollars, in the Washington State Lottery. There are good and kind people in his life, as well as evil and grasping. Our discussion should be interesting and a glass of wine, with good friends, sounds perfect.

Grey's Anatomy has always been one of my favorite television shows and I have been catching up with the last season, on Netflix. It had gotten a little off track in recent years, but I found that I liked last season's episodes a lot and am also enjoying the current season and how the characters are dealing with the plane crash. You can always count on this show for a spectacular season ending. And, I have always found the relationship between Derek and Meredith interesting and complex. Is anyone still watching Season 9?

Happy Thursday and stay warm!



  1. I feel the same way about Grey's!
    I kinda lost track a few seasons ago, and stopped caring. But I loved last season, and I love this season, I feel like they are going back to normal story lines and stopping with all the crazy ness.

  2. The yogurt covered blueberries sound really good, but they would be way to time consuming for me too. I like quick and easy.

  3. I LOVE Greys. I have never missed an episode. I think the show managed to change actors along the way and evolve and made it work. I love the relationship b/n Derek and Meredith.... I think I would stop watching the show if they broke them up. I like this season a lot- as far as how they are dealing with the crash ... and other love stuff going on - very good still!! :)

  4. The blueberries look and sound delicious, but I agree, very time consuming. Good for you for giving it a shot! The book sounds really good. Let us know how you like it...sounds like you have a fun relaxing evening ahead!

    I petered out on watching Grey's a few years ago after watching it for several years. It's really a great show but I'm just not disciplined enough to make it a weekly thing. I know that sounds crazy, I just do better with movies. Love Netflix!


  5. I've seen that frozen yogurt covered fruit done with strawberries and I really want to try it!



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Michigan ➡️ Florida
family, books, gardening, palm trees, the beach, golf, up north, msu football, detroit tigers, walking with my dog, trying new recipes, musicals, BBC, martinis, yoga, lilly

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