Thursday, January 17, 2013

Thoughts for Thursday...nature, tea, reality tv, etc.


Things I am thinking about today...

  • This pretty deer decided to pay us a visit, early one morning. This is very close to the patio door, but we were able to get a photo through the screen. They do roam around through the woods and in the yard, but to see one this close, is a real treat. I love living so close to the woods and nature :-)
  • My new favorite way to have a cup of tea after I finish walking and come in from the cold, is with a splash of this Tazo Chai Latte and a little half and half. Melissa bought this at Target, left it for me to use and I love it. The directions say to mix it with equal parts milk, but that is way too many carbs for me. There are 17 carbs per 1/2 cup, so the little bit I use for flavor, along with the half and half, make the perfect, creamy cup of chai latte tea.
  • White flowers and winter greens are so pretty on my table this time of year. I have been stretching this pretty bouquet since Christmas, by pulling out anything that dies and changing the water a lot. Soon, I will be left with only the greens, but they will still look pretty in a pitcher on their own.
  • One comment about The Bachelor - so far, so boring. I guess I'm not a Sean fan. What am I missing?
  • One comment about The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills - Mauricio should not have been judging and badgering Brandi. The husbands should stay out of the drama.
Happy Thursday!



  1. I love it when I see deer in our neighborhood. They have beautiful eyes.

    During Christmas we were traveling on I-5 North heading home, on a bad, snowy pass. A deer jumped into the road and lucky for us there was a semi truck just a hair in front of us on the right that hit the deer, saving us from a horrible accident. Poor deer.

  2. love chai tea I'm going to look for this at my Target. Trying to cut back on my coffeemate calories! I've been watching the Bachelor and I agree it's boring but hopefully it will pick up. We have deer in our back yard but never that close. Have a great day!

  3. I don't watch either of those shows:) Love the nature shot and the pretty greenery combined with the flowers! Have a blessed day, HUGS!

  4. Growing up on a Midwestern farm, I saw deer nearly every day. Their beauty and grace never grows old, does it?

  5. Love the photo of the deer.How amazing it came that close to your house:)

  6. I would love to look out my window and see a deer. Just squirrels around here! I will have to try the chai latte tea, I have been curious about them. I usually have my tea with just lemon, so something creamy will be a treat.


  7. That photo of the deer is amazing -- so close! I'm not fond of chai tea or maybe I haven't had a good one. I've been really restricting carbs and use heavy cream in my coffee & sugar-free Torani syrup -- makes me feel like I'm having such a treat!



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