Thursday, January 31, 2013

Thoughts for Thursday...crazy weather, downton abbey, etc.


Things I am thinking about today...

We are having some seriously crazy weather this week. Snow, freezing rain, pouring rain and temperatures in the fifties. Now, it is going to go back into the teens for the rest of the week and the weekend. Climate change? I even opened the window in my bedroom yesterday, to let some fresh air in. Cooper loved it :-)

For me, Downton Abbey was all about Maggie Smith this week. She deserves all the accolades she receives, for her acting. When she walked across the foyer, with her back to the camera and you could feel her grief, it was breathtaking. This is an episode that stayed with me.

Our plans this weekend include a Super Bowl party and I am looking forward to it, so much. We have been doing a little bit of hibernating this month and it will be nice to see some friends. I am searching for some healthy (sort of) appetizer recipes, but want something that tastes good too. That is always the trade off, but you should be able to have both.

I enjoyed the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills this week. It was nice to see them enjoy a dinner together, with a wide range of topics discussed. That is what I like to see - it seems real and relatable, without the fake drama.

Did you know that the Bachelor's sister is a blogger? It is kind of interesting to read her point of view about the show. You can find her blog here.

Happy Thursday!



  1. I just mentioned that particular scene to someone yesterday - man was that powerful, right?
    Global warming is wreaking havoc here in Montreal too - record breaking everything - snowfall - cold - warmth - winds - the whole 9 yards - scary stuff!

  2. i love the housewives-all of them! crazy weather here too in NJ.

  3. Your weather sounds similar to mine. Weird! Happy Superbowl party!

  4. Everyone is talking about Downtown Abbey! I need to start watching!

    Ramblings of a Suburban Mom

  5. We've had the exact same weather here in Michigan....but gotta go! Thanks for the tip on Sean's sister's blog...running right over there NOW!


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