Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Regular Days

It has been a bit of a struggle getting back into the "regular" days. My empty nest is a little too quiet, after the hustle and bustle of the holidays. It's not that I dislike the quiet. There is just a different pace and rhythm to the days that take some getting used to.

I need to remember the peace and tranquility of early morning; the kitchen all to myself and no sound except the coffee brewing. The peace of watching the birds and squirrels outside the window and if I am lucky, spotting the deer in the woods, camouflaged by nature.

I need to catch up on my reading and lose myself in a good book, with a cup of tea and my puppy sitting by my side. If cold, I can turn on the fire with the flip of a switch and it is cozy, warm and calm.

I need to use my daily walks for meditation and peace, as I walk in the snow through the woods. There is beauty all around - like an amazing sunset, where the sky looks like it is on fire.

The peaceful rhythm of "regular days" where the blessing is in the silence.


{Linking with A Southern Daydreamer}



  1. Morning tranquility and peace are to be savored. Enjoy your "regular" days! Lovely photo.
    My Wednesday post is HERE.

  2. Ahhhh, yes! The beauty and peace of a regular day! I know so many having NOT SO regular days and I pray that they have one soon! HUGS to you dear friend!


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