Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Create Your Own Sunshine



When it is too cold to go outside, with below zero wind chill and the skies are a gloomy gray, you have to find ways to pick up your mood and create your own sunshine. For me, it is the little things in my day that make me happy and help get me through the winter months. Here are the little pieces of my day, that help me stay positive.

  • A cup of coffee with lots of cream, in the morning
  • My favorite mug
  • Fresh snow
  • Text messages from my daughters
  • My puppy sleeping nearby
  • A conversation with my husband
  • A fire in the fireplace
  • A cozy fleece and fuzzy socks
  • Finding a book I like, when I wasn't expecting it
  • Walking in the falling snow, bundled up from the cold
  • A cup of tea in the afternoon
  • Going out for breakfast with friends
  • Turning on the lamps at dusk
  • The scent of something baking in the kitchen
  • The glow of candles at night
  • The peacefulness of morning mass
  • Thoughts of spring
  • Fresh flowers from the grocery store

How do you create your own sunshine?

Happy Wednesday!


Linking with Mockingbird Hill Cottage, Favorite Thing, Art @ Home



  1. Your blog has quickly become one of my favorites - so glad I found you. I couldn't have made a list any better or more applicable to me!

  2. That's a sweet list:) I can relate to many of those except the puppy... we don't have one:( I am sitting in my favorite chair, sipping my coffee from my favorite mug, fleecey robe and warm socks, perfectly comfy:) It is pretty cold here, stay warm! Have a blessed day dear Vicki, HUGS!

  3. I would pick almost every one of those also. I'd add to not have one single thought about cancer.

  4. Watching birds, reading a good book, hearing my boys laugh.

  5. Everything on your list makes me happy. It's going to be a cold but good day!


  6. Love this! We don't have to wait for the sunshine when it's already in us! :)

  7. January is hunker down month for me. I substitute cats for the dog and friends for the hubby but the rest is about the same. I love reading cookbooks and gardening books at this time of year. I throw in old movies for the best, comfy evenings.

  8. Such a lovely list ~ I wouldn't change a thing!

    Susan and Bentley

  9. Thank you for reminding me of all the little wonderful things in my day instead of dwelling on this cold weather. Your list is wonderful.

  10. What a perfect list for enjoying the simple and often taken for granted things in life. Cup of coffee with lots of cream...that's my first thing in the morning. Love it. So glad to visit your blog...I'll be back to browse.

  11. Nontheless, a walk in the cold. :-) Afterwards the house is even cosier. And of course a coffee in a favourite cup. Have a nice weekend with lots of sunshine. Regula

  12. Very good advice. I love my Lava Lamp in the winter!!

  13. What a beautiful post - it reminds me to stop and appreciated the little things. I've been so overwhelmed by the cold and freezing pipes and water drips to keep them from freezing that I sometimes forget how many wonderful little rituals help to make the day bright.

    Thanks so much for joining in this week!


  14. You are so write about sometimes having to create your own sunshine. I absolutely love your list, by the way. Speaking of sunshine (or lack thereof) we're experiencing flooding rains after sever storms this morning, and my daughter's school delayed school until noon, so we took her to get her permit instead. :D

    Thanks so much for linking-up!

    Ricki Jill


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