Thursday, December 27, 2012

Thoughts for Thursday...movies, snow, etc.


Things I am thinking about today...


  • We had our first big snowstorm of the season yesterday and it is beautiful this morning. I love the snow on the branches and the white, unbroken expanse of the lawn. While beautiful, the driving last night was quite treacherous. In Michigan, we know how the drive on the snow, but at the rate in was falling, it still makes for some icy conditions on the roads.
  • I went to see Les Miserables yesterday with Megan, my mother in law, sister in law and nieces. The group had mixed reviews, but I loved it. You have to like musicals, because it is 99% singing, but the performances by Hugh Jackman and Anne Hathaway are both very moving (and Oscar worthy). I have never seen the play, but always wanted to and this makes me want to see it more than ever. I can imagine that the scenes with the revolutionaries are incredible on stage. The costumes and sets are amazing and you are transported to Paris in the 1800's, where the poverty was inconceivable.
  • We will see more movies this week and we look forward to the New Year's celebrations. I started a grocery list today, but am in a little bit of denial that I have to face any shopping again. I know there are people that go to the mall the day after Christmas for the sales and to spend their Chistmas money. It sounds like torture to me. I get my fill of shopping before Christmas and need a break :-)
Happy Thursday!



  1. I am very anxious to see this one! When I was pre-teen we had a French exchange student and she brought the double album of Les Miz for me all in French. I played that thing non stop and still know the words by French!! Same exact music as the modern day show in English. I have seen the musical on stage three times. I hope you get a chance to see it live. It's wonderful. I am glad to hear it was good! When I see these beautiful snow pictures I catch myself peeking out our windows!! Not going to happen here in Central California!!!!! :) Happy Holidays!

  2. I saw the stage production many years ago. It was such a treat because I'd fallen in love with the book in my teens! Lots of snow here today and it's the first time I've had my shovel out this year.

  3. Beautiful top shot! Haven't seen it. Looking forward to it. Thanks for the review. Happy New Year.


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
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