Thursday, December 6, 2012

Thoughts for songs, reality tv, etc.


Things I am thinking about today...


  • Shopping at the mall during the Christmas season is not my favorite thing. But, I went to the mall in the early afternoon yesterday and it was not bad at all. It is a great feeling to cross off the names on your shopping list. Between online shopping and my trip to the mall, I am feeling pretty good about my Christmas shopping. Now I am ready to start wrapping, and I love wrapping gifts when I have the time to make the packages pretty.
  • Can you tell what these bows are made from? My daughter, Megan made them from magazine pages and I think they turned out so cute. We will be have a recycled and repurposed Christmas this year :-)
  • These Christmas CDs will be playing in my car from now until Christmas. These songs will put me in the Christmas spirit, as I run errands and get everything accomplished. Amy Grant's Breath of Heaven is so beautiful and our church has a soloist sing it every year at midnight mass.
  • If you are watching The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, I hope you agree that Brandi is exactly what the show needed. She is a breath of fresh air and calls the women out on their mean girl behavior. The interactions between her and Lisa seem real and are the reason I started watching these shows.
Happy Thursday!



  1. Hi Vicki, Glad you are making good progress with your Christmas shopping! I love the bows Megan made too. Did you hear that Adrienne and Paul are divorcing? It's sad when these private matters become public. On a brighter note Vicki Gunsalven's (?sp)daughter Brianna has a new baby boy. I do enjoy keeping up with the California housewives and do not watch any of the others. Have a great wknd!

  2. You know, I've never watched "the real housewives of anything"
    thanks so much for your visit to my blot and your sweet
    Happy Holidays

  3. The bows are gorgeous! I'm close to being done hopefully this weekend! I love Michael Buble! I've started watching the Real Housewives of easy to get sucked in!

  4. I watch the Real Housewives of OC, NYC and New Jersey. Love the drama and when you can believe it!

    I enjoy the mall on weekdays when it's not all teenagers. I do think I spend less money online because I'm not distracted by all the commercialism. Most online stores have free shipping now and have great gift ideas for everyone. I sound like a commercial! lol! I have half of my shopping done but nothing wrapped. I like to wrap gifts pretty but because I stack them, it's hard to use bows. How do you manage that? Your daughter's bows are just wonderful!


  5. I like the recycled bows - great idea. Love Christmas music and Amy Grant.


  6. I don't watch the "Housewives" show for the wives I watch it cause I grew up there and I
    love the beautiful scenery and miss it so much.

  7. Hi Vicki. :) I'm doing pretty well on my shopping too. It is so much nicer to go during the week. We try to avoid all shopping on the weekends. Too many people for me. I'm with you on the music choices - absolutely love Michael Buble. :)

  8. I am enjoying getting all of the gifts on my list too:) It feels good to be so close to finishing with lots of days left to enjoy the Season! Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!

  9. I love Amy Grant at Christmas and that song is my favorite of all her Christmas songs!


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