Thursday, December 13, 2012

Thoughts for Thursday...books, empty nest, etc.


Things I am thinking about today...


  • These two cute girls will be home together, starting Friday. We have a lot of family time to look forward to over the next few weeks. There will be lots of baking, shopping, and movies - maybe even some skiing and ice skating, if we get some snow and colder temperatures. My empty nest will be filled with activity!
  • I just love wrapping presents and putting on the pretty bows and tags. I usually go for the sparkly ribbon, but this year I have been using twine on some of the packages and I like how sweet and simple it looks.
  • While wrapping presents yesterday, I watched my favorite Christmas movie, White Christmas. I couldn't even tell you how many times I have seen it, but I love it and it wouldn't feel like Christmas if I didn't watch it. The scene where the General is surprised by his troops on Christmas Eve, makes me teary every time. And, the scene where Danny Kaye fakes a fall and leg injury to distract the General, makes me laugh.
  • I will be going to a special holiday dinner for my book club tonight, but we will also be discussing The Care and Handling of Roses with Thorns, by Margaret Dilloway. I thought it was really good, with interesting, well written characters. The only drawback, was the level of detail on rose breeding. After the first few chapters, you get caught up in the story and it doesn't seem as prevalent. Also, the author took a very interesting stance on organ transplants. It should make for an interesting discussion.
Happy Thursday!


Linking with Mockingbird Hill Cottage



  1. How excited you must be to have your girls home!! I know you will have a blast with them :)

    I've never watched White Christmas - I need to give it a shot. National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation seems to be on EVERY day at my house - the kids love it. LOL

  2. It will be so nice to have your girls under one roof love love White Christmas! Have a wonderful Thursday!

  3. Sounds like you're looking forward to a nice time with your daughters. Lovely! I need to put in a Christmas movie while wrapping gifts. Great idea, for it's my least favorite part about getting ready for Christmas.

  4. This used to be my favorite time of year too when the girls would come home from college on break. now they are grown up and married...and have to share with the in-laws. Treasure every moment!!!

  5. Your house will be filled with lively activities when those cute girls get home!

  6. Have a wonderful Christmas, Vicki! We will enjoy having our daughter home as well. She lives about 1000 miles away.
    Merry Christmas!

  7. My girls will be home next week too, one on Wednesday and one on Friday. I can't wait! White Christmas is our favorite here girls used to do love to sing Sisters. I might still be able to talk them in to that : )

  8. Wishing you a lovely few weeks with your dear ones home!

    I need to see White Christmas again, it's been a long time. Every year we watch "It's A Wonderful Life", "The Bishops Wife", and a few others we love.

  9. I love your gift wrap ~ enjoy your time with your girls. Merry Christmas

  10. Enjoy your time with your girls...your excitement and love come through with every word :)

  11. Those girls are lovely!

    I love that scene with the General - makes me cry every time.

    Thanks so much for joining in this week!



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