Wednesday, December 12, 2012

The Moose Was Wearing a Wreath


I attended a ladies night dinner at our dining club ( it's a hunting and fishing club, even though we don't do either) on Monday evening and thought it would be fun to show you how they go all out and even decorate the wild animals. There are a lot of different and unique decorations in the blogosphere, but I bet this is one of the few photos of a moose wearing a wreath!

The dinner was lovely and even though I wasn't able to take any photos, I hope I can do it justice by describing the menu. It was a tasting menu of small portions, paired with wine, and both were delicious.

First Course - arugula salad with a sambuca soaked, breaded pear, crumbled blue cheese and sugared pecans - paired with champagne

Second Course - linguine with clam sauce - paired with Pinot Grigio

Third Course - veal medallion with a red wine reduction sauce and gnocchi - paired with a red wine blend.

Dessert - chocolate mousse and coffee

My friends and I enjoyed the wonderful food and wine, as well as each other's company. It was a relaxing evening away from the list making, shopping and wrapping. Good food, good friends - and a moose wearing a wreath :-)

Happy Wednesday!



  1. Wow! That meal sounds utterly amazing.

    How cute are those decorations! I imagine they do a top notch job with their decorating!

  2. This is a cute post! And if I didn't mention it before I LOVE your blog title! SO cute!

  3. Food and pairings sound wonderful! Nice holiday break for sure.

  4. Oh that sounds yummy! Sounds like a wonderful time! Have a blessed day, HUGS!


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