Thursday, December 20, 2012

Our Traditional Christmas Treats and Pinterest Success #9


For the past two days, my daughters and I have been baking Christmas cookies and treats. We've had the Christmas music playing (Michael Buble) and it has been cozy and warm in the kitchen. There will be plenty of goodies to fill a cookie platter or two.

Our traditional cookies stay the same from year to year, but I like to try something new each year too. Where my girls really get involved is with the Ginger Cut Out Cookies. They love to cut out the shapes and then decorate with frosting and sprinkles.

They look so pretty on a cookie platter and are a light, delicious version, with just a hint of orange rind, along with the spices. This recipe brings back so many memories of when my girls were little and needed to stand on a chair to reach the counter and help roll the dough.

We always make Peanut Blossoms because who can resist the traditional taste of chocolate and peanut butter.

This Peppermint Bark was a new recipe we tried this year and it will look pretty on the platters, along with the cookies.

The Pinterest success were these Chocolate Chunk Cherry Cookies. We love chocolate covered cherries from our favorite store in Northern Michigan, Cherry Republic. I was hoping this cookie recipe would be reminiscent of that flavor and we all agree they tasted incredible. Chewy, rich cocoa flavor, filled with dark chocolate chunks and dried cherries. Go here to find the pin and the recipe link.

To me, Christmas wouldn't be the same, without these precious days spent baking together in the kitchen. I have the same memories with my mom and I hope my daughters will continue the tradition when they have a family of their own.

Happy Thursday!

P.S. Here is a sneak peak of my Christmas Card. We used a photo from this summer's Color Run and I think it is fun and unexpected. Merry Christmas from my family to yours.

{Linking with these parties}

Keep Calm and Carry On

Tutus and Tea Parties

Kelly's Korner

Jennifer Rizzo



  1. A favorite thing for me to do... but I haven't baked but one batch this Christmas. I know you and your daughters had fun.

  2. Love baking with my daughter....we have done a little and hope to wrap it all up this weekend! Love the Christmas card it's perfect! Have a wonderful day!

  3. I love the gingerbread cookies and bake them each year using a little 'gingerbread boy' cutter. Red hot candies make perfect eyes. Thanks for all the cookies. I wish the grandkids were here to help me. :-)

  4. These cookies look amazing! And I love your Color Run photo on your Christmas card. I did that race over the summer as well and had a blast!


  5. The treats look yummy and I know it was fun making them! Love the card, so fun! Have a blessed day, HUGS!

  6. Everything looks so good~Merry Christmas!

  7. Oh!my you live in Michigan? Me too! I am a little North of Detroit. I was at the color run too and think that is a great idea for a card! Peanutbutter blossoms are a must. Merry Christmas!

  8. I love your Christmas baking. Each year I want to do more, but it doesn't seem to happen.

    Happy New Year.

    - The Tablescaper


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