Monday, December 31, 2012

New Year's Plans


We will be finishing out the year with sports, a party with yummy food and drinks and then a quiet start to 2013.

  • Sports
Our weekend included all things Michigan State. We watched the Spartans win the Buffolo Wild Wings Bowl on Saturday and attended the Great Lakes Invitational Hockey Tournament in Detroit on Sunday. Our Spartan hockey team did not play too well and lost the game we saw, but we had a great time with my sister and her family. My sister and I even took a photo with Sparty.

  • New Year's Eve Party
We will be attending a small party at a friend's home tonight, for a lovely dinner and then watch the ball drop at midnight. There may even be some fireworks.


It is traditional for me to bring a special martini to help ring in the new year, in a festive way. This year I will be making a Blue Lemon Drop Martini. To make - add 1 ounce lemon vodka, 1 ounce Blue Curacao and 4 ounces lemonade to a martini shaker, filled with ice. Shake well and strain into martini glass. Garnish with a lemon peel.


I will also me making these Champagne Jello Shots - aren't they pretty? Finally, the dessert I am bringing is my favorite White Chocolate Trifle with Berries. The recipe can be found on this post and it is delicious.

  • New Year's Day
This will be a quiet day filled with football, a fire in the fireplace and a lot of food to snack on. I plan on making Barbeque Beef, in the crock pot and filling the pantry with chips and munchies.

Have a fun New Year's celebration and best wishes for a happy 2013!



  1. Cute picture!!!! We have been watching lots of football:) This is the time of year when there seems to always be at least one game on! Enjoy your party dear friend, BIG HUGS!

  2. Happy New Year...have fun tonight.

  3. Oh we do {heart} Sparty in this house :-) have a wonderful and safe New Year! I'm glad I stumpled on your blog in 2012!

  4. All the best for you in 2013 - happy new year!


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
family, books, gardening, palm trees, the beach, golf, up north, msu football, detroit tigers, walking with my dog, trying new recipes, musicals, BBC, martinis, yoga, lilly

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