Wednesday, December 19, 2012

A Winter Window


My laundry room window received a seasonal change, as I was doing my Christmas decorating. This particular window is fun to change with the seasons, and you can see how it looks in the spring and summer here and with its fall decor here.

This window topper will stay for the winter months and will look especially pretty with a backdrop of snow falling outside. I love to leave some winter decor, like this and some cute little snowmen, on display through February.

To make this simple window treatment, I used branches sprayed with glittery snow, a garland of leaves with red berries, and twine. My plan was to hang the snowman from the branches, but I liked it better plain and simple. All of these supplies are available from Michaels.

First, cut apart the branches with clippers and gather them together in the proper length to fit your window. Tie the branches together with twine, finishing with a simple bow. Hang the branches, using the twine to attach it to three nails in the window frame. Lastly, drape the garland across branches.

I just love the combination of the sparkly branches, the red berries and the twine bows. Natural, sweet and wintery.

Have a merry Wednesday - I will be finishing my Christmas baking and wishing for some snow :-)


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  1. I love this window treatment! All your seasonal ones, actually. Something so simple, yet beautiful. I will be setting my mind to baking in the next couple of days too. Ann

  2. I love to add decor that can be left up into February to add some sparkle when the weather is gray and dreary. Your window topper will take you into spring! I haven't done any baking yet!!

  3. Your winter window topper is lovely, Vicki. I can tell that you are truly loving the joys of being a homemaker! And you are talented, too!
    Have a wonderful Christmas, Beth

  4. Such a pretty window treatment. The branches look like the real thing.

  5. I love it. And now I'm looking at my windows and thinking . .. hmmm.

  6. What fun. U will love seeing it every time u fold the warm laundry.

  7. It looks lovely! Thank you for sharing this with us at TTF. I hope you and your family have a wonderful Christmas!

  8. Vicki, I too love the combination. Especially the sparkly vines. It will carry on greatly till February. I leave some of my Winter themed decor out as well as add a bit more until about the third week in January. Then I'm all about Valentines. Ha, ha, this girl lives from one holiday to the next. Thanks for sharing with Share Your Cup. Have a wonderful Christmas!

  9. Hi, Vicki! I will be more than happy to send you as much snow as you would like from Kansas City!!! :-) Great window treatment, and I like the idea of leaving it there through February to bring a little continued good cheer! Merry Christmas to you, and have a safe and joyous New Year! (Visiting from Seasonal Sundays)

  10. How lovely! Merry Christmas to your! ~ Sarah


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