Thursday, November 8, 2012

Thoughts for Thursday...reality tv, election, etc.

Things I am thinking about today...

  • I am feeling a post election hangover these days. There is always excitement leading up to the election, the pride felt by voting and later watching the returns and the possibility of change. Then, the day after, you realize the change you hoped for probably won't occur and you feel let down. No matter what though, I'm still proud to live in America, where the democratic process works and everyone has a vote.
  • There are two new Real Housewives series starting this month. I won't be watching Atlanta, but I will be watching Beverly Hills. I'm losing interest in the whole concept, but still find the Beverly Hills ladies over the top and amusing. I will catch it during one of the multiple times it is shown.
  • Dancing with the Stars was not my favorite ths week, but I am still liking either Melissa or Shawn for the win. I read an interesting article, that discussed how the ratings are down, because people would rather see a celebrity who can't really dance, improve from week to week. I have to agree and am not enjoying this all star season, as much as I usually do.
  • With Thanksgiving in two weeks (yikes) and Christmas to quickly follow, I am in list making mode. I have lists on paper, lists on my iPhone and even more lists on my IPad. Technology is great, but somehow I have to keep all these lists straight :-)
Happy Thursday!


  1. I agree with everything you wrote....happy elections are over and looking forward to everyone playing nice in the sandbox! I miss this weeks DWTS...I really want Shawn to win but It's been a great show so far. I'm slightly starting to freak out about how close Christmas is coming!! Off to make a list or two!

  2. Yes to the Election hangover but I am feeling much better today:) I am a HUGE DWTS fan but not too excited about this year! Hopefully they will learn and fix it next Season! Have a blessed day dear Vicki, HUGS!

  3. So glad all the ads are over and think about how that money spent could have been used for so much good elsewhere than on political ads. I am not a reality TV watcher at all, except for shows like DWTS and So You Think You Can Dance. Oh and I 2nd the YIKES about Thanksgiving and Christmas...the ball is rolling!!

  4. You are so right... the days after an election are such a drag. I tried to stay as nonvocal about the whole thing just because I didn't want an argument with anyone over politics this year. Thats difficult when you feel so strongly about some things. DWTS has its high and low points. I do love that they are mixing up the dances and making everything more challenging for the celebrities, but I do like watching the evolution of the characters as well.

    Have a wonderful day!

  5. All any of us can do as Americans is pray!! I don't know that we have any power to do much more. I am keeping the thought that God makes the kings and.....Presidents. We need God more than ever in our country. DWTS is starting to bore me, and I think it is watching people we already watched. I am rooting for Kirstie and Gilles. I never vote for an Olympian as they have such huge edge just by being an Olympian. Or a young, fit person, either. :-) I am hosting Thanksgiving and haven't done a darn thing yet. Oh well. It always seems to get done. xo

  6. I DVR the RH of Beverly Hills and watch it when I have spare time. I've never seen Atlanta version. I am making lists on my iphone, but have decided when it comes to Christmas I need paper lists! I keep up with them so much better for some reason.

    I probably said too much on my blog today re: the election, but I needed to unload it somewhere as it was really weiging me down. Sigh.

  7. This is my first time visiting your blog! I absolutely adore your blog name. I had an email address for years that was emptynester @..... how funny is that. It is so fun to meet new ladies who are in the same stage of life as you.
    PS I followed your blog today♥

  8. Hey, Vicki... I'm in my office, all set to watch the new HW of Beverly Hills right now. I hear you on the election. I thought Mitt Romney was most definitely the right person at the right time for this job, with his combination of business and political experience. He was our governor (I'm from MA) and I thought he did an exceptional job. Oh well, I can't go back to that disappointment that I felt after the election so I'd best stop now. Again, thanks for stopping by my blog today!... Donna


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