Thursday, November 15, 2012

Thoughts for Thursday...diabetes, DWTS, etc.

Things I am thinking about today...

  • With the holidays approaching, I can't help but be a little concerned about all the food temptations coming up. I eat very little carbs on a daily basis and that helps me keep my diabetes under control. Thanksgiving is only one meal and I will have my turkey, stuffing and mashed potatoes, by exercising portion control. There will be more veggies on my plate than potatoes and I will skip the dinner roll. I can even have a small piece of pie. The problem is the constant parties and holiday meals in December. Also, the Christmas cookies I like to bake and the egg nog I like to drink. In the face of all this temptation, I will remember how good I feel when I am following my diet and how great it is to have good test results. I will still enjoy the holidays, just have one cookie instead of two (or three).
  • On Dancing with the Stars this week, I adored Melissa and Tony's dance to the Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy song. It was so much fun and was a really nice salute to Veteran's Day. I don't really care who goes home at this point, as long as Melissa and Tony make it to the finals.
  • Even though I will be in crazy, busy Thanksgiving mode, over the next week, my mind is anticipating the start of Christmas decorating. These empty flower pots, filled with greenery, pine cones and Christmas ornaments are such a pretty way to fill up those empty, eyesores sitting on your porch, once the mums are thrown out. I may adapt this to compensate for the snow we will likely have by Christmas and put the flower pot on a small table, so it is higher and away from the snow drifts.
  • This is a very social week for me. Bunco last night, book club tonight, a birthday lunch with a friend on Friday, a wine night at a girlfriend's house later that night and then tailgating on Saturday. And, I need to fit in grocery shopping and cleaning, in the midst of all that fun. Life is full...and good :-)
Happy Thursday!


  1. Melissa and Tony are my favorites:) It is a busy time for all of us, enjoy it all... that is what I plan on doing! BIG HUGS!

  2. Hi, Vicki...can you believe I don't watch Dancing....?...I must be watching something else at the time it comes on. I need to start watching. :)

    I don't have diabetes but was always looking for a sugar sub as I LOVE SWEETS....and was eating waay too much sugar. I found IDEAL sugar sub and my life changed. I hated all the subs...that terrible aftertaste...but these is none of that with Ideal. They offer both white and brown sugar and both are just awesome. I bake and cook with it and you just can't tell the difference. If you've not heard of it, ck it out at
    and see if they carry it at your grocery store.
    I think it can be ordered off Amazon, too.
    Enjoy the holidays,
    xo bj

  3. I loved Tony and Melissa's dance too.
    The pots are so pretty...much nicer than empty pots just sitting there.
    Have fun the rest of the week. Sounds like a busy time for you.
    Is it your birthday?

  4. Your pots are fabulous, what a great idea!

  5. Good advice about maintaining self-control over the holidays. For some, like me, it is easier said than done. I try to limit eating out around the holidays to offset the goodies on the actual holidays. As far as DWTS, my two faves BOTH got sent packing Tuesday; Kirstie I expected her to leave but Gilles? I am miffed. May not even bother to watch, certainly won't vote. I am a sore loser, ha! xo

  6. Love those decorated porch pots. I hear you about all the food. I'm under docs orders not to gain weight - estrogen feeding cancer, yada yada - so I'm really struggling with even the thought of doing without this season. I love my pie and I can easily down two big pieces of pumpkin in one sitting. I know, bad Marla :)

  7. You have a lot of fun things lined up - so much to look forward to! I really like the idea of those Christmas pots. What book did you read for book club this time? Ann

  8. I think the dancers left are all great. I am diabetic too and it is hard. Good luck. sandie

  9. I have diabetes too and have to watch what I eat. I really do like my sweets so have to be very selective this time of year. But I'm happy to say that with diet and exercise I have not had to take any insulin for 7 years.
    I'm getting in the mood to get my window boxes decorated for Christmas. I better get it done while the weather is good.
    Have a fun week.

  10. I love the Bugle Boy song. I didn't see the dance, but I am sure it was GREAT!


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