Thursday, November 29, 2012

Thoughts for, DWTS, diabetes, etc.


Things I am thinking about today...

  • Having recently published my 100th blog post, I want to say, thanks so much to all of you for reading every day. I have so enjoyed getting to know you in the past few months and if you have a blog, I also look forward to reading your wonderful posts every morning. I love discovering new blogs and finding blog friends with similar interests or in the same stage of life. Comments are a great way for me to get to know you and I enjoy responding to every one.
  • Don't hate me because I am almost done with my Christmas decorating. I don't normally start this early, but with the extra week after Thanksgiving, I decided to use the time to decorate at my leisure. I will now have more time to enjoy the holiday season and be less stressed. I am all about reducing stress, so that is a very good thing. Diabetes = the need to lower your stress. I try to stay calm, even during the holiday shopping madness. Bring on the Christmas music, hot chocolate (sugar free of course) by the fire and twinkling lights :-)
  • My favorites won Dancing with the Stars! I thought Tony and Melissa were the best, from the beginning and really enjoyed their style of dance, as well as their attitude. I loved that they were so thrilled to win.
Happy Thursday!



  1. I've been decorating all week too and should be finished this weekend. I'm getting out my Snow Village today and that is a big job. I need hubs to help me with the garlands because you need a hanger and a watcher to say a little higher, a little to the left, : ) Have a nice day!

  2. It's always great when we are rooting for someone and they win.

    Decorations all up? Wow, ummm we haven't even started yet, but that's OK, we don't do much until Christmas eve.


  3. I am mostly finished! I agree that less stress = more and better time with family:) I love it that Melissa and Tony won, well deserved! Have a blessed Thursday dear friend, HUGS!

  4. I'm 99% done decorating just a few finishing touches. I was so happy Tony and Melissa won also.....they were so good! Happy Thursday!

  5. Hey Vicki! And thanks for writing fun posts! I know I don't comment as much as I'd like to but just know I'm an avid reader :)

    Also wanted to share my giveaway to you and your readers for Revlon Lipstick. Good luck if you enter girl!! Keep writing!

    Cathy Trails

    Revlon Just Bitten Giveaway

  6. Hi Vicki, Love that grapevine heart! Glad you got your decorating done. Have you ever heard that aronia berries, aka chokeberries, have one of the highest antioxidant contents of any fruit and have been known to lower blood sugar in diabetes? At least that is what I have been told. There is a lot of anecdotal (testimonial) evidence for their health value (check out superberries(dot)com if you're interested.
    I heard about these today and did buy some of their product.
    Merry Christmas!

  7. We finished up our decorating ass well this week. I am looking forward to starting December with one less thing on my plate! I liked Melissa and Tony as well. They were a lot of fun this season and really good together.

    Have a great weekend!

  8. I'm right there with you on Melissa and Tony! I loved her since the last time she was on the show. So well deserving and glad they won!

    Wish I was done decorating but it will be okay! I am 95% done with shopping!

    Congrats on 100th post! Blogging is fun and I've met so many people. I took a little more of a year off and I am amazed how others still "remembered" me! So glad you are enjoying it too!

    Less stress is a good thing!


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