Monday, November 26, 2012

Thirty Years


My 30th anniversary is today and every year on this day, I realize that the thing I am most proud of in my life, is my marriage.

We met our freshman year (1977) at MSU, in Akers Hall and have been together ever since. This photo sits on my dresser and I am so happy we took it together, on graduation day, so many years ago. It helps us remember how young we were then and also remember how far we have come.

We have lived in Texas, Tennessee, New Jersey and now Michigan. We have traveled to many places including Florida numerous times, Phoenix, New Orleans, Palm Springs, Los Angeles, Boston, Vancouver, Toronto, the Bahamas and Maui, twice. Our dream, is to travel one day to Italy, and also to Scotland for a golf trip.

Of course, our daughters Megan and Melissa are the greatest accomplishment in our lives and we continue to be proud parents as they grow into adulthood.

We are enjoying our empty nest, and like being able to do things at our leisure. To celebrate our anniversary, we attended the MSU basketball game together on Sunday and also have a trip planned soon to the wineries in Northern Michigan.

Happy Anniversary to my hubby and may there be 30 more!



  1. 30 Years!! WOW!! Happy Anniversary Vicki!

  2. Happy anniversary! Beautiful then, beautiful now! Have a blessed and Happy DAY! HUGS!

  3. Oh, Happy Anniversary. Great pics. Hugs, Marty

  4. 30 years wow, congratulations and Happy Anniversary.. Have an amazing day :)

  5. Happy anniversary to you two!! Could you even imagine thirty years when you were younger? Funny how that works. Many many more anniversaries to you.

  6. Happy anniversary!!!! I think a good marriage and happy family is life's greatest success! I wish you a lifetime of happiness!

  7. Happy anniversary to both of you.I think long marriages should be celebrated...Balisha

  8. Thank you for visiting my blog today and for being a new follower. I will return the favor! I will also enter your name in my purse give-away. Nice to meet you!

  9. Congratulations on your 30th Anniversary! May you enjoy many more years together. I found your blog through Debbie's Newbie Monday. I've just started blogging and am impressed by how you have developed your blog. I've been an empty nester for several years now but now am beginning the new adventure of retirement. I'll be following you and hopefully I'll learn more about blogging. My blog is, hope you'll "come by" and visit.

  10. Happy Anniversary! That's incredible!!


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
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