Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Sentimental Favorites


Every year, when I unpack my Christmas decorations, there are some sentimental favorites that mean so much to me. Each has a story to tell and a memory of a Christmas past.

My snow globe collection is very special to me and I now have around forty of these snowy, sparkling, musical treasures. Each is unique and has a story of when and where it came from.

This snow globe is one of my favorites, because it represents my two daughters; one blonde and one brunette.

You could call this ceramic tree vintage at this point, but I love it, because it was handmade and given to me at a wedding shower, 30 years ago.

Another collection I love, are my White House Christmas ornaments. Each was given to me by my brother in law, a former Secret Service Agent, at the White House. The ornaments have historical significance and a different one is created each year.

Perhaps the most sentimental of all, is our nativity set that originally belonged to my husband's mother. It is made of brightly painted ceramic, now a little faded, worn and chipped, but all the more precious and beautiful in my eyes.

Have a wonderful Wednesday!

Linking with Mockingbird Hill Cottage



  1. When I was a kid, there was something so magical about snow globes. Nice collection! Isn't it fun to drag out the box of Christmas decorations and have all those memories come flooding back!

  2. I loved snow globes as a child and now my youngest daughter adores them also. You have some lovely decorations there:)

  3. Oh Vicki! I have a thing for snowglobes too! I am fascinated by your White House Christmas ornament. What an awesome thing to collect. I didn't even know they did I have to google that!!

  4. Beautiful collection! It always takes me so long to unpack Christmas because decorating is like walking down memory lane...I love looking and remembering who what where I got each item. Happy Wednesday!

  5. Those are very special ornaments indeed! I'm not sure how I would store 40 snow globes but they sure would be fun to have.

  6. This is the best part about bringing the decorations out of the boxes, so many memories. Ann

  7. My favorite is the two little girls in the snow globe. How sweet that it represents your two daughters.

  8. Such beauty in your snow globes ... and your collection of White House Christmas ornaments is priceless! Mary

  9. Lovely memories attached to each treasure. My favorite are the White House ornaments!

  10. Everything is beautiful but I do love that second snow globe the most! That is stunning!

  11. This reminds me that my sister used to collect snow globes - I wonder if she still has them? Yours are lovely, Vicki - I remember those ceramic trees well and wish I could get my hands on one!

    Thanks so much for joining in this week!


  12. Snow globes have held magic for me since I was a little girl!

    Susan and Bentley

  13. What a lovely collection you have. Snow globes are so enchanting. I love unpacking my holiday stuff, so many things have memories attached and they come flooding back.

    Happy weekend to you!

  14. The ceramic tree brings back such memories. My mom had one for years and years and now it is mine and I love it.

  15. I think that every child thinks that snow globes are magical. You have some wonderful treasures.

  16. I love all of your sentimental favorites. What fun it must be to unpack them each year.

  17. Oh, I love snow globes. Yours are lovely. Have a nice week. Regula

  18. I have a collection of snow globes so you know I must like this post. Somehow they bring out the kid in you.


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