Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Ready or Not - Thanksgiving


Since Thanksgiving is tomorrow, if you are hosting, like I am, you will be very busy today with the final preparations. I am looking forward to that point on Thursday where my house is clean, the turkey is in the oven and the candles are lit. That is when I can anticipate my families' arrival and the chance to sit and relax, with a nice glass of wine.

My tables are set up in the basement this year, because there is enough space so we can all sit together. I will be serving the food from a buffet table, to keep things easy. There will be a lot of willing hands to help carry the food from the kitchen to the table.

I am cooking everything, but the desserts - appetizers, turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, gravy and all the side dishes. My fridge and pantry are full of fresh veggies and all the other ingredients I need to make the traditional recipes we enjoy every Thanksgiving.


One of the recipes I am most looking forward to trying, is this overnight Pumpkin Chai French Toast that I will be serving for breakfast, Thanksgiving morning. I love the idea of making it the night before and then popping it on the oven, while I get the turkey ready in the morning :-)

Hope you have a stress free day before Thanksgiving!



  1. Sounds like a plan! Have a blessed day today and tomorrow, HUGS!

  2. I've seen the recipe on Pinterest...would love to know how it tastes. I usually do a big breakfast and a late afternoon dinner on Thanksgiving day. Happy Cooking and enjoy your full house!

  3. Hi Vicki

    I just popped in to wish you and yor family a very Happy Thanksgiving.

    I hope that you all have a lovely day.


    x Fiona

  4. that french toast looks very interesting..yum!

    Have a wonderful day tomorrow.

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Michigan ➡️ Florida
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