Friday, November 23, 2012

New and Old Traditions


Thanksgiving has come and gone for another year, and while a lot of work, I still love to host the dinner at my home. There is something so special to me about having everyone here, watching football and enjoying the meal I have prepared.

A new tradition I started this year, is a First Annual Thanksgiving quiz, with prizes for 1st, 2nd and 3rd places. It was a fun activity to do during halftime of the Lions game (after Kid Rock of course) and everyone seemed to enjoy it. We will think of new categories each year and may do a family trivia quiz next.

For the past five years, the girls and I have braved the Black Friday craziness and gone to Old Navy for some fun purchases. We don't Christmas shop, because that is too much work at midnight. We look for sweaters, scarves, slippers and fuzzy socks. It is a tradition we look forward to and the chance to laugh and say how crazy we are to participate in such madness. We love continuing the tradition and making new memories each year :-)

Have a relaxing day today!

Linking with Mockingbird Hill Cottage because any time spent with my daughters is my favorite thing.



  1. Hi Vicki, Glad you had such a nice Thanksgiving. More football today. :-)

  2. It is fun to play some games, seems to make the day last longer:) I did some on-line shopping but that is all! Enjoy your weekend dear friend, HUGS!

  3. I love your idea of the little trivia quiz. We used to have little Olympics type games with our kids and cousins. No shopping in the middle of the night for me... no sirree. :)

  4. I always have little games or quizzes at family parties. I don't think everyone is thrilled, but I like them! I think it keeps everyone together during that time instead of breaking off into little groups.

  5. I love the quiz idea! I have always done Black Friday with my sisters and this is the first and it was nice but a ended up going out later with my daughter....I much prefer the early rush than the noon time shoppers! Have a wonderful weekend!

  6. Sounds like a lot of family fun was going on at your house. Love the idea of not Christmas shopping, but girls having fun buying comfy things.

  7. You are brave to face the Black Friday crowds! I stay away!

    Having a fun quiz is such a neat idea, Vicki! I bet everyone had fun playing.

    Thanks so much for joining in this week!


  8. One year for Thanksgiving with friends we played a game where a letter was chosen and you had to think of as many things, such as states or restaurants, etc. that started with that letter. Your quiz sounds like it was lots of fun. Whenever I hear a football game on tv, I am immediately taken back to Thanksgiving and Christmas spent at my Mammaw's house in Mississippi. After lunch, the guys in the family would watch ball, and the cousins would run around outside or take a nap in the back bedroom with the sounds of the game on tv filtering through the closed door. Happy memories! Wishing you a wonderful weekend. Tammy

  9. Whoops! I could have sworn I left a comment last night but I guess I didn't?! Middle aged brain strikes again! ;)

    Love the idea of the Thanksgiving quiz, so much fun.

    Happy holiday weekend!

  10. I agree that you are brave to go to Old Navy. I have a sister who shopped for eight hours yesterday and I think she is clearly deranged. We did yard work. Visiting from Claudia's, Olive

  11. Visiting via MHC and thinking that a Thanksgiving quiz might be a great idea for next year!

  12. Look at those lines, lol!

    Visiting you from the Weekend Blog Walk. Hope you found you some fuzzy socks at Old Navy. :)

  13. I participated in the midnight craziness for the first time this year with my daughter in law and her mom.


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