Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Fall Planting = Spring Flowers

There is a quote that I love about gardening, that is especially true this time of year, as we clear away dead flowers and cut back plants to prepare our gardens for spring.

"Gardening is a way of showing that we believe in tomorrow"

I miss the ritual of gardening - filling my watering can, making the rounds of all the plants and flowers. Checking on new growth and plucking off a wilted or dead flower here and there. It was calming and felt good to be outside.
So, though yesterday was cold; it was sunny and I put on my gardening gloves and planted 50 new pink and yellow tulip bulbs. It felt wonderful to dig in the dirt, feel the sun on my face and look forward to the beauty to come.

The bulbs I planted, will sleep over the winter, covered in snow. When spring comes, this is what I hope I will see. This hope, is why I brave the cold to plant bulbs in the fall. This hope, is what gets those of us in the cold north, through our long grey, winter days. Gardening does show that I believe in tomorrow...and spring :-)

Have a wonderful day!

{Linking with}

Mockingbird Hill Cottage


  1. I always enjoy the tulips when they bloom:) Have a blessed day, HUGS!

  2. I love the variety of colors that tulips bring in the spring. When they bloom you need to post pictures!

  3. This is a wonderful quote, Vicki! Your garden is going to be beautiful come spring and you'll be happy you got those bulbs in. I was a little relieved to put my gardens to bed for the winter, we had such a hot summer and I felt I neglected them a bit. I'm really hoping next summer is a bit more normal!


  4. Beautiful tulips you planted! You'll be richly rewarded in Spring - keep us updated when they start blooming! There is a poem by Robert Frost which says to the orchard, "Goodbye and keep cold." I always think of that poem with my garden - it always has a better year after a cold winter!

  5. Planting bulbs in the fall is truly a testimony to faith in Spring! I don't like to plant them, but did one year and the following spring had the most beautiful daffodils that I could imagine. Thanks for sharing your story and inspiring us to look beyond what we see and have vision for a beautiful future! Blessings!

  6. I really need to plant some bulbs. Those will be some beautiful tulips come spring!

    Visiting from Outdoor Wednesday :)

  7. I am going to do the very same thing!!!

  8. I'm impressed! Thats a lot of work. And your day of gardening is going to yield many days of enjoyment

  9. This makes me want to plant some bulbs myself! I love tulips.

  10. I usually forget to do bulbs....I need to remember! Your post is a good reminder :) I don't have the room for 50 but I should at least get a small packet and tuck some in here and there!

  11. Vicki, good for you! That is what I should be doing but somehow every fall I never get around to planting bulbs! Maybe I'll go buy some today!

    Thanks so much for joining in this week.


  12. You have both reminded and inspired me to plant more bulbs this weekend!

    Susan and Bentley

  13. While your garden is heading into hibernation, this is our growing season here in desert country. I have two balconies that I am able to have plants on and they make me very happy. Best wishes to you, Tammy

  14. Lovely post and wonderful choices for fall planting ~ (A Creative Harbor)

  15. Vicki!

    They are so beautiful!! I'd love to learn how to garden.

    Hope you have a blessed weekend..♥

  16. I'm a bit behind with my fall gardening. But your tulips are a boost! Have a nice Sunday. Regula

  17. This is funny... but true...I bought some crocus bulbs and forgot them until I read this post. Thanks for the reminder.

  18. Planted a few iris bulbs (threw them in the ground really) and hope they come up next Spring.

  19. I hope they turn out well!
    Thanks for linking up with YSB this week :)


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