Thursday, November 22, 2012

Faith and Family


My empty nest will be full once again, as family arrives for Thanksgiving dinner and I want to focus on two things I am thankful for.

I am thankful that my family will all gather around my Thanksgiving table today. This includes my husband, my daughters (who I love to have home), my parents, my sister and her family, as well as her mother in law and father in law. We will miss my brother and his family who couldn't join us this year. Another year all together, thankful for health and happiness.

I am thankful for our faith and the many blessings we have been given during the year. We will start the meal with this prayer - Bless us O Lord and these, thy gifts which we are about to receive from thy bounty, through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Happy Thanksgiving!



  1. Happy Thanksgiving! Enjoy your family.

  2. Have a wonderful time with your family....Happy Thanksgiving!

  3. Hope you enjoy your day with all the family:)

  4. Happy Thanksgiving and blessings from Still Woods Farmhouse!

  5. Sounds like a perfect time with family! BIG HUGS!

  6. I know what you mean about having a wonderful time with the family. Our son and daughter in law just left after being with us since Wednesday. The house is so quiet. It was great having them back home.

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