Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Change of Scenery

When I get out and walk every day, I usually take the paths that go throughout my neighborhood. Yesterday, I felt like a change of scenery was needed, so I went to a nature park a short drive away.

We had the coldest weather we've had so far this fall, and the grey skies were even spitting a little snow. It was chilly, but I bundled up with my scarf, gloves and ear muffs and it felt great to be outside.

The paths are surrounded by these tall grasses and natural ponds. There is not a whole lot of color left to see, but there is still beauty in the simplicity of nature, against the overcast sky.

My favorite part of walking in this park is the covered bridge that crosses one of the ponds.

My walking buddy loves to go over the bridge too. Cooper likes the cold weather and will be so excited for the first snow.

A change of scenery, along a different path, is the best thing to clear your mind from all that needs to be done in this busy season.

The new details along the way remind us that the beauty of nature can be found around every corner and along every path we take.

Happy Wednesday!

{Linking with these friends}

A Southern Daydreamer

A Rural Journal

Mockingbird Hill Cottage


  1. Beautiful scenery! Nothing better than that to get some serious thinking done:) Have a blessed day dear Vicki! HUGS!

  2. Lovely pictures. I loved the covered bridge :) There is something wonderful about walking in the cool weather. Thanks for sharing!


  3. What beautiful scenery; such a peaceful place to walk and enjoy.

  4. So glad to see you took the time you needed and the photos are lovely; particularly the one of the tiny waterfall.

  5. I love taking nature walks. It always so peaceful and relaxing for me. I like your photos.

  6. Vicki, I don't blame you for taking this scenic route. The covered bridge is adorable and so is Cooper.

  7. This says "almost snow" to me -nonetheless it has its own beauty!

  8. Hey you live in a gorgeous area. Sandie

  9. Oh! I so enjoyed your walk and am so glad you took us along! What a wonderful place to have close by. I personally love the autumn landscape, with it's beiges and browns and low light. I loved your photos, that first picture is my favorite - I love looking through the grasses at the lake and the far bank, the sky overhead...wonderful!! Loved the picture of the dirt path, too!

  10. Oh, I would love to get just a tad bit of snow, not a lot, just enough to be pretty. Sophie has seen snow one time because we just don't get it in Mississippi, and she had a ball playing in it. That Cooper is such a good looking little fellow. Such pretty scenery you have there. I'm gonna have to go back and read to see where you are. Don't be offended that I can't remember, lol, I can't remember where I am most days. Have a great Thanksgiving!

  11. Gorgeous scenes....thanks for taking us with you! Have a great day!

  12. Wonderful pictures - looks like a gorgeous place to walk!

  13. Wonderful photos of your walk! I love the first one, plus the bridge and the path.

  14. A lovely change. I like the subdued colors of the landscape.

  15. I love your change of "scenery" pictures! Gorgeous, le sigh if only I would use my Nikon as something other than a point and shoot haha! The hubs always says you begged for this and you still don't know how to work it haha! Thanks for linking up, your puppy is so cute, pictures awesome, blog fantabulous, xoxo Sums

  16. Bear With Me...Lovely walk inspires me to go walk-about in our nearby quarry♫ Thanks for sharing♥

  17. These pictures are exquisite! Love them!

    And Cooper is adorable!

  18. Beautiful photographs ~ makes me want to go for a walk. And get a dog (:

  19. I do love walking! My husband and I usually only get to go out on the weekends -- usually about an hour or so each time. Our weather is finally cooling off so we have to take advantage of it while we can. Cooper is a cutie! Best wishes, Tammy

  20. What a beautiful walk! I am so drawn to covered bridges - there is something so charming about them!

    Thanks so much for joining in this week!


  21. Looks like a beautiful area to go walking - a nice variety of scenery, etc. Plus you've got a great walking buddy! [#TALU]


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