Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Beach Blanket Bingo

On Sunday, we were excited to watch Melissa (on the top of the pyramid) and the MSU Pompon team win the Collegiate High Kick Championship for the sixth straight year. High Kick is a pompon competition with a theme, costumes and most importantly incorporates high kicks and a kick line throughout the routine.

The theme for their routine this year was a 1950's beach party and the girls looked fabulous. The team never disappoints and the crowd loved their energy and precision. They looked like they just stepped off the set of a beach blanket bingo movie!

The music was a fun mix of beach and surfing songs and the team hit every kick to earn the high score they deserved.

The pompon team represents MSU well and all the alumni, parents and fans at the competition were happy to see these Spartans bring home the trophy.

We are having so much fun supporting this team and Melissa. Seeing her compete at a high level and perform well, makes us so proud.

Happy Election Day - remember to vote :-)


  1. WOW, congrats to the team! Love their outfits! I know you are SO proud! Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!

  2. This is really cool! I've never seen anything like it. The costumes were gorgeous! Congratulations to your daughter and her team!


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