Thursday, October 4, 2012

Thoughts for Thursday...nature walk, baseball, cider, etc.

Things I am thinking about today...

  • This is such a pretty time of year for walking and I am so lucky to have the wonderful paths in my neighborhood that take me into the midst of nature. There is a little wooden bridge on one path that crosses a small stream. Usually it is barely a trickle, but lately we've had quite a bit of rain and it is deeper. I liked how pretty it looked with the yellow leaves, floating on the surface of the water and the changing colors of the trees, on its banks. I love noticing the changes in nature as I walk - it is so relaxing and peaceful.
  • I have said before how much I love my Keurig and I love it even more since I discovered the Hot Apple Cider. It tastes wonderful and smells like fall in a mug:-)
  • The baseball playoffs start this weekend and I am so excited about the Detroit Tigers winning their division. It is such a great pick me up for the city of Detroit and the state of Michigan, as everyone watches and cheers together. I am hoping they go far into the playoffs, so there is a lot more baseball for me to watch.
  • P.S. I missed Dancing With the Stars Monday night, because I was watching the Tigers clinch the division. It seems that a lot of you are fans of DWTS and it will be fun to discuss it with you, as things progress. I promise, I will catch up this weekend.
Happy Thursday!


Linking with life of love


  1. Perfect nature walk followed up by hot cider yum! Lets talk DWTS first off Joey shouldn't have gone home Bristol Palin needs to go! The talent is off the charts good! Have great day!

  2. Yum, apple cider. I just love all the costumes and always wonder who is behind the scenes.

  3. Found your blog through Thursday Thoughts and am looking forward to following. I share the same love for my keurig and NEED to find this cider!!! Congrats to your Tigers!

    Meg @

  4. I am going to have to get some of that apple cider - I love my Keurig too. Where did you get it? On line?

  5. Lovely scenic walk you have and apple cider sounds divine:)

  6. I love DWTS (I admit, reality tv is my guilty pleasure). I have to get some cider K-cups, I love my little Keurig, too. I enjoy the Pumpkin Spice Limited Edition. xo

  7. Love the colors of fall in your area; it's pretty here too. I've been enjoying apples and pumpkin in honor of the season! Wish I had a Keurig. Maybe someday!
    Hugs to you, Beth

  8. Beautiful shot of the bridge. Dreamy.

  9. I love taking a walk this time of year, hearing the leaves crunch beneath my feet... ahhhh Autumn! Enjoy your day dear friend, BIG HUGS!

  10. Love the photo from your nature walk! I enjoy natures walks too, especially in the fall. But anytime of year they are relaxing for me too.
    Have a great weekend.

  11. Out of the three things,I am fond the first one.

  12. great shots!! Have a nice weekend!

  13. Nature walk, baseball and cider ~ what wonderful shots and fun topics for Fall ~ (A Creative Harbor)

  14. Great shots - isn't the autumn a wonderful time of year. :)

  15. Fall is such a pretty time for those of us who live in the north. That creek is so peaceful.

  16. This looks like a lovely place to go walking.

  17. Apple cider sounds wonderful! You have captured these photos so well! Awesome fall images!

  18. Lovely fall photo -- the colors in this forest image are wonderful. :)

  19. Love your first picture. My daughter loves the Keurig. I need to try that hot apple cider. Sounds delicious.

  20. I love that fall picture :) And I am drinking apple cider right now! My favorite fall drink :)


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