Thursday, October 18, 2012

Thoughts for design, non profits, etc.

Things I am thinking about today...

  • I have amazing friends. Several years ago, a group of my friends saw a need in the community and started a non profit to address it. After reading a news story about a boy sleeping in a burned out house, with only a coat for warmth, these caring ladies founded Sweet Dreamzzz Detroit. Its mission is to make sure children in the inner city are educated about the importance of a good nights sleep and give them tools to sleep comfortably. Working with the school systems, volunteer Sleeper Teachers provide information on healthy sleep habits and the children are given a sleep kit; a sleeping bag, nightshirt , toothbrush/toothpaste, a stuffed animal and a book. Please visit the Sweet Dreamzzz website to see more about my friends and this awesome non profit :-)
  • My new blog design is up and running ( it still needs a few tweaks) and I couldn't be happier. I have been working with Jenn at Munchkinland Design and she was so easy to work with and made the process fun. As we worked towards a final draft, she was always happy to make changes and answer questions. Of course, my favorite part of the design is the birdhouse. I hope you all like it, as much as I do - I would love to hear what you think!
  • I was hoping to celebrate a Tigers win last night and a World Series berth, but the rain and wind blew in at game time. The game was postponed until today. #detroitpride
Happy Thursday!

{Linking with these friends}

life of love

Kelly's Korner


  1. Love your new design!!

    We can celebrate our Tigers' win tonight!

  2. Your design is fun and colorful. The mission for the inner city children is an admirable one. Hats off to you!

  3. I like your new blog design, Vicki! It's so colorful and bright! I hope you have a great day and good luck to your Tigers (that is, until they meet the Cardinals - lol)!

  4. Love the blog design, Vicki! Looks great, colorful, and so fun!

  5. What a wonderful, worthy cause and a clever solution to the problem. Or at least helping to get towards the solution. Thanks for sharing that. I love your new look! Everything pops really nicely. Ann

  6. I love the new design! Such a great cause and solution to an important problem. Good look to your Cardinals but sounds like they are going to take this one no problem!

  7. Wonderful design!!!! So glad I found you today :)

  8. Hi Vicki

    Your blog looks beautiful absolutely beautiful.

    I love the pretty colours and the wonderful header.


    x Fiona

  9. Looks great...maybe when my nest is empty I will finally get around to my design...!?

  10. Wow, what a sweet nonprofit! I'm a new GFC follower :)

  11. Thank you for bringing this organization to my attention. Kids definitely need sleep.


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